

2017-11-12    05'51''

主播: Miss美语发音

13 0

Day 23 今日学习 【句子】 He goes completely ballistic,and there's no calming him down. 他就会大发脾气,而且没人能让他静下来. 【注音】 hi goʊz kəmˈplitli bəˈlɪstɪk,ənd ðərz noʊ ˈkɑmɪŋ ɪm daʊn. 【发音tips】 completely (t); and there的连读;calm的读音 【活学活用】 go ballistic to become extremely angry 大发雷霆,发飙, eg. If your dad finds out you've been skipping school, he'll go ballistic. 如果你爸爸发现你一直在逃学,他会很生气的。 eg. I wouldn't tell her that you actually slept with Rachel. She'd go ballistic. 我不会告诉她你和瑞秋有一腿,她会发飙的。 calm(sb.) down to stop sourself or someone else feeling this way 冷静点,镇静下来 eg. She was angry at first but we managed to calm her down. 一开始她很生气,但我们设法让她平静了下来。 【在留言区翻译试试吧】 你安静一会儿,听我说! 微信公众号:Miss美语发音 微信:1035354770