

2017-11-24    07'58''

主播: Miss美语发音

28 0

【句子】 You guys are in for a treat. 你们就好好享受吧。 【注音】 jʊ gaɪz ər ɪn fər ə trit. 【发音tips】 guys are in 连读;for a连读 【活学活用】 sb. be in for a treat. 好好享受吧,你会喜欢的。 Miss英文释义: used for saying that you know someone is going to receive or experience something unexpectedly pleasant. Is this your first time seeing this movie? Gosh, you're in for a treat! 这是你第一次看这部电影?天哪,你肯定会喜欢的。 a treat treat n. 1. 款待,请客 No, you paid for dinner last time - this is my treat. 不,上次吃饭是你付的钱——这次我请客。 Trick or Treat. 不给钱就捣蛋。 n 2. 快乐的事情,高兴的事情 be in for a treat We're going to Italy for the weekend - it's my birthday treat. 我们要去意大利度周末——为我庆祝生日。 【留言翻译试试吧】 if the weather stays this mild, "we are all in for a treat". 公众号:Miss美语发音