1125split up各走各的

1125split up各走各的

2017-11-25    05'23''

主播: Miss美语发音

17 0

【句子】 Hey,what do you say we split up? 嘿,我们分开走怎么样。 【注音】 heɪ,wʌt dʊ jʊ seɪ wi splɪt ʌp. 【发音tips】 what do 连读;split up连读 【活学活用】 split up. 分手,离婚;分开。 devide up something. 1. to end a marriage or a sexual or romantic relationship My parents split up a few months ago. 我父母几个月前离婚了。 2. to devide people or things into more parts, groups, or units. I had to split them up because they wouldn’t stop messing around. 我必须得把他们分开,要不一直不停的胡闹。 3. a New Slang Word for mad, angry, ticked off, pissed I'm gonna be split up if you don‘t get out of here right now! 现在不立马离开这里,我让你好看。 【留言翻译试试吧】 I was so split up about the test I failed yesterday. 本期口语词汇补充: ride,复数rides也就是 amusement rides,这个此次以比较广,汉语没有对应的词汇。 游乐场里面的各种机械游乐设施 roller coaster, merry-go-round,(摩天轮,过山车,旋转马车等。) 记不住以后用rides 就可以,是不是简单了很多呢? I don't want to go on the rides/go on a ride. 我不想去玩游乐设备。 You take your little brother on the rides,OK? 你带你弟弟去玩转盘好吗? lame, adj. 简单说就是“逊” “糟糕” excuse ,argument, remark produce. n 就是农产品 公众号:Miss美语发音