看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM S1E2 scene 16讲解

看美剧学英语口语 HIMYM S1E2 scene 16讲解

2019-07-16    05'53''

主播: Miss美语发音

137 2

Before you check the lines, make sure you have already tried your best to listen, to watch, and to learn by yourself. B-Barney M-Marshall R- Robin T-Ted L-Lily K-kids 1. the lines ... B: Oh, you were so right about the roof. The roof! The roof is on fire, Ted. The girl from last night, I took her back to my place, then this morning took her outside, spun her around a couple of times, and send her walking. She will never find her way back. And there she is. B: How did she get here? Did you invite her? T: I have no idea who that is. B: She said she works with Carlos. Who's Carlos? T: I don't know any Carlos. B: Hi, you. You are back. The girl: I sure am. Come on, sweetie, I need a drink. B: Sweetie, really? T: Whoa, whoa, rabbits. Come on. I got that roof reserved. M: All right. B: So, it's over between me and work-with-Carlos girl. T: Oh, that was fast. B: Yeah, I was trying to think, what's the quickest way to get rid of a girl you just met. B: I think I'm in love with you. The girl: What? B: Thanks, bro. T: Glad I can help. ... 2. words, phrases, sentences ... B: Oh, you were so right about the roof. The roof! The roof is on fire, Ted. The girl from last night, I took her back to my place, then this morning took her outside, spun her around a couple of times, and send her walking. She will never find her way back. And there she is. B: How did she get here? Did you invite her? T: I have no idea who that is. B: She said she works with Carlos. Who's Carlos? T: I don't know any Carlos. B: Hi, you. You are back. The girl: I sure am. Come on, sweetie, I need a drink. B: Sweetie, really? T: Whoa, whoa, rabbits. Come on. I got that roof reserved. M: All right. B: So, it's over between me and work-with-Carlos girl. T: Oh, that was fast. B: Yeah, I was trying to think, what's the quickest way to get rid of a girl you just met. B: I think I'm in love with you. The girl: What? B: Thanks, bro. T: Glad I can help. ... 3. pronunciation tips ... B: Oh, you were so right about the roof. The roof! The roof is on fire, Ted. The girl from last night, I took her back to my place, then this morning took her outside, spun her around a couple of times, and send her walking. She will never find her way back. And there she is. B: How did she get here? Did you invite her? T: I have no idea who that is. B: She said she works with Carlos. Who's Carlos? T: I don't know any Carlos. B: Hi, you. You are back. The girl: I sure am. Come on, sweetie, I need a drink. B: Sweetie, really? T: Whoa, whoa, rabbits. Come on. I got that roof reserved. M: All right. B: So, it's over between me and work-with-Carlos girl. T: Oh, that was fast. B: Yeah, I was trying to think, what's the quickest way to get rid of a girl you just met. B: I think I'm in love with you. The girl: What? B: Thanks, bro. T: Glad I can help. ... 提醒: 先看整集,不留悬念 关注表达,理清发音 模仿跟读,灵活运用 系统正音发音纠音学习请查看阅读原文