Tuesdays with Morrie gazelle

Tuesdays with Morrie gazelle

2019-09-03    00'26''

主播: Miss美语发音

182 0

What would you come back as? "If I had my choice, a gazelle." I study his shrunken frame, the loose clothes, the socks-wrapped feet that rest stiffly on foam rubber cushions, unable to move, like a prisoner in leg irons. I picture a gazelle racing across the desert. gazelle /ɡəˈzel/ a type of small deer, which jumps very gracefully and has large beautiful eyes 'leg irons metal chains that are put around a prisoner’s legs picture to imagine something by making an image in your mind 目的: 熟悉单词 熟悉语流 熟悉阅读 同系列最近三篇: scalp wad heave 点击阅读原文,查看本栏目介绍