叶芝的爱情诗 | 他希翼天国的锦缎He wishes for the cloths of heaven

叶芝的爱情诗 | 他希翼天国的锦缎He wishes for the cloths of heaven

2018-11-23    03'32''

主播: James读英语

187 1

He wishes for the cloths of heaven by W.B. Yeats 他希翼天国的锦缎 叶芝 Had I the heavens&`& embroidered cloths, 若我有天国的锦缎, Enwrought with golden and silver light, 以金银色的光线编织, The blue and the dim and the dark cloth 还有湛蓝的夜色与洁白的昼光 of night and light and the half-light, 以及黎明和黄昏错综的光芒, I would spread the cloth under your feet; 我将用这锦缎铺展在你的脚下。 But I,being poor,have only my dreams; 可我,如此贫穷,仅仅拥有梦; I have spread my dreams under your feet, 就把我的梦铺展在你的脚下, Tread softly because you tread on my dreams. 轻一点啊,因为你脚踩着我的梦。