

2016-03-22    48'15''

主播: 龙美术馆

434 17

只有艺术永远是真实的 丹麦-冰岛艺术家奥拉维尔•埃利亚松(生于1967年)将在本次讲座中介绍他多元的艺术实践,包括装置、建筑、绘画、雕塑、摄影和影像作品,以及即将在龙美术馆展出的《奥拉维尔•埃利亚松:无相万象》中诸多创作理念。 1997年至今,奥拉维尔•埃利亚松在全球众多知名艺术机构成功举办过个展。2003年,埃利亚松在伦敦泰特现代美术馆(Tate Modern, London)的涡轮大厅(Turbine Hall)制作了广受欢迎的大型装置《气候项目》(The weather project),吸引超过两百万人到场参观。1995年,埃利亚松在柏林成立工作室,目前团队已近80人,其中有专业技术人员、建筑师、档案工作者、行政人员和厨师。2014年,埃利亚松与长期合作伙伴,建筑师塞巴斯蒂安•贝曼(Sebastian Behmann)在柏林成立了一个国际性的艺术与建筑工作室——他者空间工作室(Studio Other Spaces),工作室专注于跨学科和实验性的公共空间建筑项目。2012年至今,埃利亚松与工程师弗雷德里克•奥特森(Frederik Ottesen)共同致力于推广“小太阳”(Little Sun)计划,为生活在电力供应匮乏地区的人们制造及分发太阳能灯具。 Art is always real and the rest only sometimes Danish-Icelandic artist OlafurEliasson (born 1967) will speak about his diverse art practice, which includes installation, architecture, painting, sculpture, photography, and film. He will touch on many of the ideas present in his exhibition Nothingness is not nothing at all, currently on view at the Long Museum. Since 1997, Eliasson's critically acclaimed solo shows have appeared in major museums around the world. In 2003, his hugely popular The weather project, in the Turbine Hall of Tate Modern, London, was seen by more than two million people. Established in 1995, his Berlin studio today numbers about ninety craftsmen, specialised technicians, architects, archivists, administrators, and cooks. In 2014, Eliasson and long-term collaborator Sebastian Behmann founded the international office for art and architecture Studio Other Spaces to focus on interdisciplinary and experimental building projects and works in public space.Since 2012, Eliasson has directed the social business Little Sun, together with engineer Frederik Ottesen, which produces and distributes solar lamps for use in off-grid communities.