84 Kipper's Laces故事讲解

84 Kipper's Laces故事讲解

2019-11-19    11'38''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

2269 23

Kipper wanted new shoes. Kipper想要买双新鞋子。 He couldn’t tie his laces. 他不会系鞋带。 Dad helped him. 爸爸帮助了他。 Kipper was at school. Kipper去学校了。 The class had P.E. 他们在上体育课。 Kipper couldn’t tie his laces. Kipper不会系鞋带。 Miss Green helped him. Green老师帮了他。 Kipper was upset.  Kipper很伤心。 He told Dad. 他把这事告诉了爸爸。 Dad made a block. 爸爸做了一个木板。 Kipper tried... Kipper试了又试... and tried... 试了又试... and tried and tried. 试了又试... “Hooray!” said Kipper. Kipper欢呼道:“万岁!” Kipper was at school. Kipper又去上学了。 He did up his laces. 他自己把鞋带系好了。 “Oh no!” said Kipper. Kipper叫道:“哦,不呀!” Kipper's Laces词卡词汇 laces [ˈleɪsɪz]n.鞋带; 花边; 蕾丝;  tie[taɪ]n.束缚;领带;绳;v. 系;约束;捆绑;打结; couldn't [ˈkʊdnt](could not 的常用口语形式;)不能 school [skul]n.(中、小)学校; 上学;  class [klæs]n.班; 班级; 课;  P.E [pi i]abbr.体育(physical education) Miss Green [mɪs]n. (用于未婚女子姓氏或姓名前,以示礼貌)小姐,女士;  [ɡrin]adj.绿色的; 草n.格林(姓氏) block [blɑk]n.木板,(方形平面)大块; 立方体;  tried [traɪd]v.试图; 想要; 设法; 努力; 试; (try的过去式) hooray [huˈreɪ]int.(表示快乐或赞同)好极了,好哇; 再见;  知识小课堂 知识点一:介词at的用法 ①at可以加时间点——at 6 o 'clock在六点 ② at还可以加小地方,这一点区别于in的用法,举例,常用的有:at home, at school等等 ③ at可以加节日,比如at Christmas,.at Halloween,在圣诞节,在万圣节等 ④at 还可以表示本身的含义,在...处,比如at the table 在桌子旁边 知识点二:do up(did up his laces) 整理;刷新;修缮;使精疲力尽 He did up his laces.他系好了鞋带。