112 Fire故事讲解

112 Fire故事讲解

2020-04-27    12'04''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

2861 19

Dad set up the barbecue. 爸爸准备了烧烤. 'Lots of smoke,' said Chip. Chip说,有很多烟. 'But not barbecue smoke!' said Biff. Biff说,这些不是烧烤的烟. It was a hut on fire! 'Get the firefighters,' said Chip. 是那间小屋着火了. Chip说,要找消防队员. The fire engine came. 消防车来了. 'Get back,' said the firefighter. 消防队员说,退后. 'It's hot,' said Biff. 'It's a big fire,' said Chip Biff说,好热 Chip说,这是一场大火. The firefighters put the fire out. 'Lots of smoke,' said Mum. 消防队员把火扑灭了. 妈妈说,好多烟. 'Lots of barbecue smoke!' said Kipper. Kipper说,好多烧烤的烟. They ran back. 他们跑了回去. 'Oh no,' said Mum. 'The barbecue!' said Dad. 妈妈说,哦 不. 爸爸说,我的烧烤!