114 Gorilla on the Run故事讲解

114 Gorilla on the Run故事讲解

2020-05-06    11'51''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

2049 15

Gorilla on the Run! 在逃的大猩猩! Lee,Lin and Kipper sat on a bus with Grandpa Chen. 李,林和奇普和陈爷爷坐在公交车上。 “A gorilla!”said Lin. “一只大猩猩!”林说。 “A gorilla?”said Lee. “大猩猩?”李说。 “It is not a gorilla,”said Grandpa. 爷爷说:“它不是大猩猩。” “It is a big dog,”he said. “它是一只大狗,”他说。 They went to the shops. 他们去了商店。 “A gorilla!”said Lin. “一只大猩猩!”林说。 They went to the shops. 他们去了商店。 “A gorilla!”said Lin. “一只大猩猩!”林说。 “Yes,a GORILLA!”said Kipper. “是的,一只大猩猩!”Kipper说 “Is it on the run?”said Lee. “它在逃跑吗?”李说。 “It is not a gorilla,”said Grandpa. 爷爷说:“它不是大猩猩。” “It is a man with a big hat!”he said. 他说:“是一个戴着大帽子的人!” “Gorillas do not shop!”said Grandpa. “大猩猩不购物!”爷爷说。 He felt a tap on the back. 他感到背后有人轻拍他。 “Hello,”said the gorilla. “你好,”大猩猩说。 Grandpa had a big shock. 爷爷吓了一大跳。 “Oh no!A gorilla!”he said. “哦,不!一只大猩猩!”他说。 “It is not a gorilla, Grandpa,”said Lin. “爷爷,这不是大猩猩,”林说。