151 Bug Hunt 故事讲解

151 Bug Hunt 故事讲解

2020-10-31    15'08''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1795 15

Bug Hunt 找昆虫 Biff and Kipper went on a bug hunt in the garden. Biff 和 Kipper 在花园里找昆虫。 "Look!A big bug in the soil!"said Kipper. “看!土里有只大昆虫!”Kipper说。 Biff ran to get a jar. Biff 跑去取瓶子。 The jar had holes in the lid for air. 瓶盖上有洞可以透气。 Biff and Kipper had a good look. Biff 和 Kipper 看了看。 "What is it?"said Kipper. “是什么呢?” Kipper 说。 "Dad has got a good insect book,"said Biff. “爸爸有本关于昆虫的书,很不错的书。” Biff 说。 "Let's check it!" “我们去查查看。” They put the jar down in the kitchen. 他们把瓶子放到了厨房里。 Mum was peckish. 妈妈饿了。 "I think I will have toast and jam this morning,"she said. “我想今天早上吃烤面包和果酱吧。”她说。 Mum got the butter. 妈妈取出黄油。 "What are you having?"said Chip. “有什么吃在吗?” Chip 说。 "Toast,"said Mum. “烤面包。”妈妈说。 "What with?"said Chip. “还有什么?”Chip说。 Mum took the lid off the jar. 妈妈打开瓶盖。 The bug shot out. 昆虫跳了出来。 "A BUG!"shouted Mum. “虫子!”妈妈喊道。 "A bug on toast?"said Chip. “面包上有虫子?” Chip 说。 "YUCK!" “真恶心!”