152 A Walk in the Sun故事讲解

152 A Walk in the Sun故事讲解

2020-11-04    16'38''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1778 19

A walk in the sun 阳光下散步 The children went for a walk. 孩子们出去散步。 They were near a farm. 他们走到农场附近。 "I can hear a hen!"said Lee. “我听到了母鸡的叫声!”Lee说。 "That is a rooster,not a hen,"said a man in big boots. “那是公鸡,不是母鸡。”一位穿着大靴子的男子说。 Further along,Kipper saw a sheep. 继续往前走,Kipper看到头羊。 "The farmer is giving that sheep a haircut!"he said. “农民在给羊理发。”他说。 "He is shearing its coat,not cutting its hair,"said the man." 他是在剪羊毛,不是在理发。“男子说。 "We need to go past that farmhouse,"said Mum. “我们要经过那座农房。” 妈妈说。 "That is a barn,not a farmhouse,"said the man. “那是谷仓,不是农房。” 男子说。 "This way,"said the man. “走这边。” 男子说。 "I am not sure that is right,"said Lee. “我不确定对不对。” Lee 说。 "That is a bull,not a cow!" “那是公牛,不是母牛。” It was a big bull with long horns! 是长着长角的公牛! "Run!"they all shouted. “快跑!”他们大声喊道。 "Go up that oak tree!"shouted Mum. “爬到橡树上去!” 妈妈喊道。 The man went up the tree. 男子爬到了树上。 "This is a beech tree,not an oak,"said the man. “这是山毛榉树,不是橡树。” 男子说。