179 The Camcorder(1)故事讲解

179 The Camcorder(1)故事讲解

2021-04-18    17'27''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1217 11

Dad bought a camcorder. 爸爸买了个摄影机。   The children had a race.  Dad made a video .    孩子们在赛跑, 爸爸录像。 “Smile everyone,” said Dad.    “大家笑一笑,”爸爸说。   Dad went to the sports day.   爸爸去运动会。 He made a video of Wilma.   他拍了一段Wilma的视频。   It was Jo's wedding.   Dad took the camcorder.   这是Jo的婚礼。 爸爸拿着摄像机。  He made a video of the wedding.   他拍了一段婚礼的视频。   It was Mum and Dad's anniversary. Wilma wanted to make a video.   那天是妈妈和爸爸周年纪念日。 Wilma想拍个视频。  Dad showed Wilma the camcorder.   "It's easy,"he said. 爸爸给Wilma看了摄像机。 “这很简单,”他说。     Wilma made the video. "It's easy,"she said.   Wilma录视频。 “这很简单,”她说。  “Smile please!”said Wilf.   “微笑!”Wilf说。     The children watched the race. They saw the sports day. 孩子们观看比赛。  他们看到了运动会日。  They looked at Jo's wedding. They laughed at Wilma's video.   他们看着Jo的婚礼。 他们在Wilma的视频中大笑。     They went to the tree house. Wilma wanted to make a video.   他们去了树屋。 Wilma想制作一个视频。 Dad let her use the camcorder. 爸爸让她使用摄像机。     Wilma made the video. She saw two men.   Wilma拍视频。  她看见两个男人。  They were burglars. 他们是小偷。   The burglars were running away.   Wilma made a video of them. 小偷正逃跑。 Wilma给他们拍了一段录像。  "Call the police,"she shouted. "快报警,"她大喊。   Dad got the phone. He phoned the police. 爸爸拿着手机,   打电话给警察。 Wilma got the burglars on video. Wilma在视频中找到了小偷。   The police came.They looked at the video. 警察来了。他们看了视频。  "Well done!"they said.   “做得好!”他们说。   The police caught the burglars.   "Thanks to Wilma,"said Dad. 警察抓住了小偷。  "感谢Wilma"爸爸说。