196 The Magic Key(1)故事讲解

196 The Magic Key(1)故事讲解

2021-09-02    12'58''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

1119 10

The Magic Key 神奇钥匙 The box was by Chip's bed. 箱子在 Chip 的床边。 something was glowing inside it. 里面有东西在发光。   Chip looked at the box. Chip 看了看箱子。 "It's magic,"he said. 他说:“是魔法。” Chip ran into Biff's room. Chip 跑到 Biff 的房间。 "Biff,"he called."Look at the box." 他喊道:“Biff,看这只箱子。”    Biff and Chip looked at the box. Biff 和 Chip 看着这只箱子。 Something was glowing inside it. 有东西在里面发光。 They opened the box. 他们打开了箱子。 They looked inside. 他们往里看。 "It's magic," they said. 他们说:是魔法 A key was in the box. 箱子里有一把钥匙。 The key was glowing. 是这把钥匙在发光。 "It's a magic key," said Biff. Biff 说:它是一把魔法钥匙。 She picked up the key and the magic began. 她拿起钥匙,然后魔法开始了。 Biff and Chip got smaller and smaller and smaller. Biff 和 Chip 变得很小,很小,越来越小。 "Oh help!" said Biff. Biff 说:哦,救命啊! "It's magic," said Chip. Chip 说:这是魔法。 Biff and Chip looked at the room. Biff 和 Chip 看了看这个房间 Everything looked big. 每样东西看上去都很大。 "Look at my big slippers," said Biff. Biff 说:看我的大拖鞋。 "Everything looks big." 每样东西都看上去好大哦! Chip picked up a pencil. Chip 拿起了一只铅笔。 "Look at this big pencil," he said. 他说:看这只大铅笔。 Biff picked up a pin. Biff 拿起了一个大头针。 "Look at this big pin," she said. 她说:看这个大针。 They looked at the house. 他们看了看房子。 It looked like a big house. 它看上去像一个大房子。 The windows were glowing. 窗户正在发光。 "It's magic," said Chip. Chip 说:是魔法。 Biff and Chip ran to the house. Biff 和 Chip 跑向了房子。 They looked in the window. 他们看着窗户。 Biff went to the door. Biff 跑向了门。 She pushed and pushed, but she couldn't get in. 她推了推,但是进不去。 They went to the window. 他们跑向了窗户。 Chip pulled and pulled, but he couldn't get in. Chip 推了推,他进不去。 Something was coming. 什么东西正往这边过来。 Chip picked up the pin. Chip 拿起了大头针。 "Oh help!" he said. 他说:哦,救命啊! It was a little mouse. 是一只老鼠。 Biff and Chip looked at the mouse. Biff 和 Chip 看着老鼠。 The mouse ran away. 老鼠逃跑了。 Something was glowing. 什么东西在发光。 It was the magic key. 是魔法钥匙 Biff picked it up. Biff 把它拿了起来。   Biff and Chip got bigger and bigger and bigger. Biff 和 Chip 变得越来越大。 "Oh no!"said Biff. Biff说:“哦,不!” "Oh help!"said Chip. Chip说:“哦,救命啊!” "It's the magic,"they said. 他们说:“是魔法。”   The magic was over. 魔法消失了。 "What an adventure!"said Biff and Chip. “好神奇的探险啊!” Biff 和 Chip 说。