201 Village in the Snow(2)故事讲解

201 Village in the Snow(2)故事讲解

2021-10-27    14'23''

主播: 苹果老师🍓

866 16

附:原文翻译 The children were at school.It was playtime.     孩子们在上学,是玩耍时间。  "Come  in,"called Mrs.May. “进来吧。”May 老师说。   Mrs May told the children a story. May 老师给孩子们讲故事。 The story was about a village.  是关于一个村庄的故事。 The village was in the mountains. 这个村庄在大山里。 Everyone liked the story.  大家都喜欢这个故事。  It was called The Village in the Snow. 故事叫《雪中的村庄》。 The children went to Biff's room. 孩子们跑到 Biff 的房间里。 They wanted an adventure. 他们想要去探险。 Biff picked up the magic key. Biff 拿起神奇钥匙。 The key began to glow. 钥匙开始发光了。 "The magic is working," said Biff. Biff 说:魔法开始了。 The magic took the children to the village in the snow. 魔法把孩子们带到了雪中的村庄。 "It's lovely," said Biff. Biff 说:真可爱。 Kipper jumped in the snow. Kipper 跳到了雪里。 "I like the snow," he called. "This is fun." 他说:我喜欢雪,真好玩。 They played in the snow. 他们在雪中玩。 They made a snowman and put Kipper's hat on top. 他们堆雪人,把 Kipper 的帽子放在雪人上面。 They jumped in the snow. 他们跳到雪里。 They threw snowballs. 他们扔雪球。 "Look," said Wilma. Wilma 说:看。 They saw a little boy. 他们看到一个小男孩。 The boy was pulling a toboggan. 这个男孩拉着雪橇。 Some big boys ran up. 一些大孩子跑了过来。 They pushed the little boy over. 他们把这个小男孩推倒。 They pushed the toboggan over and they ran away. 他们把雪橇推倒,然后逃跑了。 The children ran up. 孩子们跑了上来。 They helped the little boy. 他们帮助了小男孩。 Kipper picked up his hat. Kipper 拿起了她的帽子。 The little boy told them about the big boys. 小男孩告诉他们关于大男孩的事情。 Kipper was cross. Kipper 很生气。 Kipper put on the little boy's hat. Kipper 戴上了小男孩的帽子。 He put on his coat. 他穿上了小男孩的外套。 "Come on," he called. 他说:来吧。 The big boys looked at Kipper. 大孩子们看到了 Kipper。 Kipper looked like the little boy. Kipper 看上去非常像那个小男孩。 "Come on," said the big boys. 大孩子说:来吧。 The children threw snowballs at the big boys. 孩子们像大孩子们扔雪球。 "Help! Help!" yelled the big boys. 大孩子们叫到:救命!救命! The big boys ran away. 大男孩逃跑了。 The little boy jumped and jumped in the snow. 小男孩在雪里跳啊跳。 The children put the little boy on the toboggan. 孩子们让小男孩坐上雪橇。 They pulled him home. 他们把他拉回家。 The little boy lived with his grandfather. 小男孩和他的爷爷住在一起。 Grandfather gave the children a drink. 爷爷给孩子们一些喝的。 The children told Grandfather about the big boys. 孩子们告诉爷爷关于大孩子的事情。 They told Grandfather about the snowball fight. 他们告诉爷爷关于打雪仗的事情。   The children played in the snow.   孩子们在雪地里玩耍。 They went on the toboggan. 他们驾雪橇。 “This is fun," said Wilf. “真好玩!” Wilf 说。   The magic key began to glow. 魔法钥匙亮了。  “It's time to go,”said Biff.  “该回去了。” Biff 说。 "Come on," she said. “别这样!” 她说。   The magic took the children home,   魔法把孩子们带回家。  “What an adventure!"said Chip. “好神奇的历险!” Chip 说。