

2016-04-19    09'51''

主播: 英语口语每天学

23.6万 7693

情景重现 You may have come across a guy that fancies you and wants to go out with you.But if you don’t, and he’s being persistent(坚持的), then you’ve got a bit of an issue on your hands. 你或许遇到一个男生,他很倾慕你。她想和你约会。但如果你不想,而他又很坚持,那边你就会有点小麻烦。 Not all guys are bad. You have to understand that a guy may be persistent only because he likes you a lot. In some cases, the guy may be genuinely(真诚地) nice and may only want you to get to know him better. 不是所有的男生都是坏男生。你得懂一个男生那么坚持是因为他非常喜欢你。有时候,这个男生或许是真诚地对你好,或者只想让你更多地了解他。 And in some other cases, he may assume you’re playing hard to get and may pursue you with renewed vigor(重新燃起的热情). 但另外的时候,他可能会认为你是装出矜持之态,于是呢又会重新燃起追求你的热情。 come across遇到,遇见 fancy: be sexually attracted to someone倾慕,爱慕 assume:假定,假设 play hard to get:(尤指恋爱之初)故作冷淡;装出矜持之态 最重要的原则 be honest and direct.坦诚,直接点。 说什么 I had a lot of fun on our date but I don’t feel that chemistry(眼缘) with you. 和你出去挺开心,但是我觉得我们没有眼缘。 You seem like a great guy but I’m just not interested in you like that. 你倒是挺好的,但是呢,我对你没有那么大的兴趣。 Thank you for the wonderful evening! I’m sorry but I don’t see us as compatible(兼容的,协调的). Good luck with your future dates. 谢谢带我度过了一个美好的晚上,但是,很不好意思,我觉得我们不太搭。祝你将来的约会好运。 各位小伙伴可以在下方留下你被搭讪和追求的那些事~