

2016-06-24    05'29''

主播: 英语口语每天学

26万 6178

24/7 全年不休 The convenience store on the corner is open 24/7. 街角的那家便利店全年不休。 a tough break 倒霉的时期,难熬的时间 It was a tough break for us when Caroline quit. She was one of our top performers. 当Caroline辞职的那段时间,真的是挺难熬的。她是我们中表现最好的员工之一。 ASAP as soon as possible 尽快 I need to finish these reports. My boss needs them ASAP. 我得赶快完成这些报告。我的老板希望尽快看到。 back to square one 从头再来,退回起点 After working for several hours, it turns out that the problem is something totally different, so it looks like we have to go back to square one. 在工作数个小时之后,结果是我们错误地判断了问题,所以看起来我们需要从头再捞。 call it a day 收工 Well, John, it's 7:00 and I'm getting hungry. How about we call it a day? John,已经7点了,有点饿了。今天就到这,怎么样