

2017-03-30    03'45''

主播: 英语口语每天学

63622 2064

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,每日获取笨老撕不一样的分享。 【新浪微博】搜索“笨老撕” 1. Nothing wrong with a parent trying to set their kids up, so long as the kid is receptive to it. And at times it works out and a happy ending follows. 父母给孩子安排婚事没有错,只要小孩能接受。有时候这样也行得通,而且会有好的结果。 2. The parents may mean well, but it's not appreciated when they tell their daughters that you're too old to get a good man, or that you have to take on any guy who wants you. 家长可能是好意,但是如果家长告诉女儿说是他们年纪大了,没办法找到好人,或者随便找个男的就行,这样就不太好了。 3. I've been married 46 years and it hasn't been easy and that's with someone I wanted to marry. So to be forced or pushed to marry someone you don't know would be very tough going. 我结婚46年了,这个事并不容易,不过我是和喜欢的人结婚的。所以被逼婚或者去和自己不认识的人结婚,将来也不好过。