Vol.303 地道表达Easy does it!可不是做起来很容易的意思!

Vol.303 地道表达Easy does it!可不是做起来很容易的意思!

2018-03-22    05'05''

主播: 英语口语每天学

7434 384

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,获取独家免费英语学习资料 【新浪微博】@笨老撕 Easy does it! 小心点;慢慢来 ❖ Easy does it, guys—you're moving a priceless piece of art! 慢点,哥们!你们搬的可是一件无价之宝啊! Easy does it! 镇定一下 = Calm Down ❖ Sue: Where is my camera? My passport is gone too! Sue: 我的相机呢?我的护照也没了! ❖ Fred: Easy does it, Sue. I think you have someone else's purse. Fred: 镇定一下,Sue. 我感觉你拿错钱包了。 Easy money 不义之财;横财; ❖ Selling drugs is easy money, but I would never do that. 贩卖毒品赚的钱是不义之财,我一定不会那么去做。 Go easy on sth. 省着用 ❖ Hey, go easy on the ketchup—there's not much left. 喂,少吃点番茄酱,剩下的不多了。 Go easy on sb. 温和地对待 ❖ Go easy on your little brother, will you? He didn't mean to break the window. 对你的小弟弟温柔点,好不好?他不是有意要打碎玻璃的。 Free and easy 轻松自在的 ❖ Once exams are over, I'll finally be free and easy once again! 一旦考试就结束了,我就重获自由了。 今日挑战 翻译句子,写在留言处和大家分享! It's easy for you to tell me to keep calm, but you're not in my position.