Vol.355 地道lay an egg除了下蛋的意思外,竟然还有这层意思!

Vol.355 地道lay an egg除了下蛋的意思外,竟然还有这层意思!

2018-07-28    05'22''

主播: 英语口语每天学

44500 339

【微信公众平台】搜索“英语口语每天学”,获取独家免费英语学习资料 【新浪微博】@笨老撕 lay an egg 下蛋 过去式:laid The hen lays an egg everyday but today there’s no egg. 这只母鸡每天都会下一个蛋,但是今天没有。 lay an egg 做得很失败 He’s a very excellent director but he laid an egg with his last movie. 他是个非常棒的导演,不过他的上部电影真的很失败。 lay aside 存钱,储蓄 I lay aside part of my paycheck every month to save for down payment on an apartment. 我把每个月薪水的一部分存起来,攒个首付买个公寓。 lay someone low 使某人病倒 I don’t think he&`&s able to come in to work today—he&`&s been laid low by the flu. 我感觉他今天不会来上班了。他得了流感已经病倒了。 lay your cards on the table 摊牌 It’s time I put my cards on the table; I can’t afford the price you’re asking. 我是时候摊牌了。你要的价我付不起。 今日挑战! 把下面短语连成一句话 写在留言处和大家分享 He took out on the table and laid it in front of him. his gold watch