Vol.366 只知道有does,但其实还有dos,赶紧来看看这个词怎么用吧!

Vol.366 只知道有does,但其实还有dos,赶紧来看看这个词怎么用吧!

2018-08-23    06'08''

主播: 英语口语每天学

48080 377

Do&`&s and don’ts 规则;注意事项 Before you begin your first day working for us, there are a few important do&`&s and don&`&ts that I need you to be familar with. 在开始为我们工作之前,我需要让你了解一些重要的注意事项。 What&`&s done is done 事已至此 It&`&s too late to change it now. What&`&s done is done. 现在已经来不及改了。事已至此。 Make do 凑合;将就 I really need a large frying pan but if you haven’t got one I’ll have to make do with that small one. 我实在是需要一个大煎锅,但如果你没有,我就用那个小煎锅凑合一下吧。 Do the trick 奏效,起作用 The recipe calls for pancetta /pænˈtʃetə/, but I think this regular bacon should do the trick. 菜谱说需要用意大利咸肉,但我感觉这个常规的熏肉也行。 Do a double take 因诧异再认真看了一下 Everyone did a double take at his shiny new sports car as he drove by. 在他开车经过的时候,大家都多看了几眼他的闪亮的新跑车。 今日挑战 翻译句子 写在留言处和大家分享~ If they ask any awkward questions, just let me do the talking. 【翻阅上一期内容即可查阅正确答案】 【下一期内容的正确答案解析】 B正确;find it 加形容词 再加to do是固定搭配,发现做某事怎么样。