

2022-02-15    01'11''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

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录音、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix 图片与文字源自网络归原作者所有 BGM:钢琴先森 - 梦 孟叔的微博:孟飞Phoenix 主播:孟飞Phoenix At my school, 在我们学校 a random animal likes to show up occasionally. 时常会有一些无家可归的小动物现身 This time it was a stray cat. 这次,出现的是一只流浪猫 The school left it at first, 学校一开始没有管这只猫 and some people petted it and stuff. 有些学生会去抚弄猫咪 One day, 有一天 we had an assembly in which they said 我们开了一个大会,会上,学校领导说 anyone seen feeding the cat or petting it will get a detention. 如果哪个学生再去喂猫,或者摸猫,会受到留堂的处罚。 People started leaving the cat for a few days, 学生们开始连续几日都让猫咪自生自灭 and it started to die. 猫咪渐渐虚弱下去 This one-man who works at our school as a security guard at the gate is the nicest man I've met. 有个男人,是我们学校的门卫,他是我见过的最好的人 He marched off to a supermarket near our school, 他径直去学校附近的超市 bought a bag of cat food and a bowl, 买了一袋猫粮和一只碗 and started feeding the cat. 然后开始给猫喂食 The man risked his job and only source of income, 这个男人很可能为此丢了饭碗,失去他唯一的经济来源 just to feed a tiny cat. 就为了给一只小小的猫咪喂食 It was one of the most heartwarming things I've ever seen. 这是我见过的最暖心的事情之一 It's always the little things in life. 让人暖心的,总是生活中的这些小温暖