

2024-11-10    03'19''

主播: 孟飞Phoenix

884 6

我们以为一个眼神 一句话 一次意见不合 就可以决定一段关系的成败 你若盛开,真爱自来, 英语美文朗读 , 3分钟 中英文稿、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix ▽ In this whirlwindof modern life, love has turned into a transientbreeze. A mere glance at a photo, a brief chat on WeChat, and we are under the spell of infatuation. 在这个快节奏的世界里,爱情成了一种转瞬即逝的风。看一眼照片,聊几句微信,就觉得心被俘获。 We are quick to judge the fate of a relationship by a single look, a casual remark, or a minor disagreement. Yet, the essence of true love is not a fleeting spark but a fire that burns steadily. It's the enduringsupport and companionship that we witness in the tender moments shared by an elderly couple at sunset. Love, at its core, is a journey of togetherness. As someone once wisely said, love exists in three tiers: the fundamental level of physical attraction, the security provided by material comforts like bread and shelter, and the pinnacleof love, the soulmate, where acceptance and companionship reignsupreme. 我们以为一个眼神,一句话,一次意见不合就可以决定一段关系的成败。但真正的爱情,不是瞬间的火花,而是持久的火焰。所以,我们大部分人都会羡慕余晖下携手搀扶的老两口,因为爱是长久的陪伴,曾经有人说过,爱有三个等级,最基础的是生理的喜欢,第二等级是面包和房子这样的物质安全感,而最高级的爱情一定是我们口中和心中所谓的灵魂伴侣,因为包容、陪伴才是最长久的爱。 In one of mypast recordings, Ishared a point: never shop for groceries on an empty stomach, for hunger can cloud your judgment and lead you to purchase unnecessary items. In the same vein, avoid rushing into relationships out of loneliness, for it can deceive you into mistaking anything for love. 孟叔之前的节目里曾经分享过那段话;不要在饥饿的时候逛超市,因为饥饿感往往会左右你的选择,让你买到很多并不需要的东西,同样也不要在孤独寂寞的时候,贸贸然开始一段感情,因为孤独寂寞也会蒙蔽你的双眼,让你误以为看什么都像是爱情。 So let us slow our pace and seek with patience. Remember, true love is a luxury, not a common possession. It is when you are contentwith life without love that you are truly prepared to embrace it. 所以让我们放慢脚步,慢慢寻找。请记得,好的爱情本身就是奢侈品,并不是每个人都会拥有,当你觉得自己不需要爱情也可以生活的很好的时候,才是你可以真正拥有爱情的时候。 文本、录音、图片、剪辑、主播:孟飞Phoenix BGM:Reve - 홍월