Wishy Washy Washer Woman
(Stand up and move your hips side to side to the music. Sing along and do the motions in parenthesis.)
Way down in the valley where nobody goes, (Wag your index finger back and forth in front of you.) there's a wishy, washy washer woman washin' her clothes.
(Pretend you are scrubbing up and down on a washboard in front of you.)
She goes, "Ooh Ah, Ooh Ah." 4x (Continue scrubbing up and down, and move your hips back and forth to each "Ooh Ah.") That's how the wishy, washy washer woman washes her clothes. (Continue scrubbing up and down on a washboard.)
Hey, washer woman! Ooh Ah! Ooh Ah! Hey, washer woman! Ooh Ah! Ooh Ah!
(Begin with a big wave by bringing your right arm slowly across the sky from left to right, and then firmly move your hips back and forth. REPEAT.)
Way down in the valley where nobody goes, (Wag your index finger back and forth in front of you.) there's a wishy, washy washer woman dryin' her clothes. (Dry your clothes by blowing puffs of air.) She goes, "Ooh Ah, Ooh Ah" 4x (Continue drying your clothes by blowing puffs of air and move your hips firmly back and forth for each "Ooh Ah.")
That's how the wishy, washy washer woman dries her clothes. (Continue drying your clothes.) Hey, washer woman! Ooh! Ah! Ooh! Ah! Hey, washer woman! Ooh! Ah! Ooh! Ah! (Begin with a big wave by bringing your right arm across the sky and then firmly move your hips back and forth. REPEAT.)
Way down in the valley where nobody goes, (Wag your index finger back and forth in front of you.) there's a wishy, washy washer woman foldin' her clothes.
(Fold by clapping your hands in front of you in a horizontal position.)
She goes, "Clap, Clap." 4x (Continue folding your clothes with horizontal claps.)
That's how the wishy, washy washer woman folds her clothes. (Continue folding.)
Hey, washer woman! Clap! Clap! Hey, washer woman! Clap! Clap! (Begin with a big wave by bringing your right arm across the sky and then firmly move your hips back and forth. REPEAT.)