S02E003 Interviewing 面试

S02E003 Interviewing 面试

2016-04-20    13'30''

主播: 每日5分钟英语

1254 86

我们的微博已经开通啦: weibo.com/5minsenglish, 或者搜索‘每日5分钟英语’就可以找到我们啦。(5是阿拉伯数字哦) 关键词 Tell me about yourself. My name is Jerry and I am a graduate of Wulex University. After working as a tutor throughout uni and helping others realise their dreams, I’ve realised I want to reach out to more people who are eager to study languages. Given that I am a native speaker of English and also from a Chinese background, I feel that this position as a podcast presenter is a perfect opportunity for me to start my professional career but more importantly be able to help millions of people who want to learn colloquial English. What is your career plan in the next 5 years? I would talk about my ultimate career goal, so basically what my end goal is. Then I’ll very quickly talk about where I started i.e. my first job and where I want to go now and most importantly, how that helps me achieve my career goal. What do you know about our company? Alex的私人微信号,从今天起每天晚上7点到8点开放,其他时间微信号搜不到的哦。是私人微信号啊,私人微信号,私人微信号。 我微信号比较复杂: alex_zq_yu,