Day 3 treat with kid gloves

Day 3 treat with kid gloves

2016-11-27    00'45''

主播: CHERRY车厘子

143 0

"Treat with kid gloves" 今日晨读 ▌Dialogue [ 对话 ] A: I heard Sam is really upset. B: Really? A: Yes, and he may be upset for a while. You'd better treat him with kid gloves. It sounds as if Sam needs to be treated carefully and gently. That's what "treat him with kid gloves" means. Gloves made from kid leather -- leather from a lamb or young goat -- are soft. So if someone is angry, or upset, you might need to "treat him with kid gloves" -- very carefully.
上一期: Day 2 Go with the Flow
下一期: Day 4 Get cold feet