

2016-04-08    32'54''

主播: 凤梨瓦瓦

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Army manoeuvres Myanmar celebrates a civilian government; the generals carry on as before 主播: 凤梨君 个人微信号: fenglisama 微信公众号 EnglishQiPa 奇葩说英语 Apr 2nd 2016 | From the print edition IT WAS an extraordinary moment, and seen by many as a happy culmination to a long, often bloody and always wrenching story: this week Myanmar swore in a new president as the titular head of the first civilian-led, democratic government to take office after decades of military-backed rule. It followed a landslide win for Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy (NLD) in a November election that made crystal-clear what ordinary Burmese no longer wanted: the army running their affairs. 1 manoeuvres |məˈnu:və(r)s| 军事演习;作战演习 2 Myanmar [mɪˌæn'mɑ:(r)] 缅甸(东南亚国家)(即Burma ['bɜ:mə] ) 3 culmination |ˌkʌlmɪˈneɪʃn| 顶点;巅峰;高潮;终点 4 wrench |rentʃ| 猛拉;猛扭;猛拧 5 titular |ˈtɪtjulə(r); 美 -tʃə-| 名义上的;有名无实的;徒有虚名的 6 led |led| 起主导作用的 7 landslide |ˈlændslaɪd| 一方选票占压倒多数的选举;一方占绝对优势的选举 8 Aung San Suu Kyi 昂山季素 9 Burmese [bɜ:'mi:z] 缅甸人 And yet. Look more closely, and the army has not vanished from political life but still lies at the heart of it. Take the matter of the president, who is chosen by the national assembly. Those voting for the NLD in November were really voting for Miss Suu Kyi, daughter of the country’s founding father, Aung San, and figurehead of the democratic movement during years of house arrest until her release in 2010. She would have been a shoo-in to be president had the constitution drawn up by the army not disqualified her, for having children with British passports. The ban on foreign spouses and children appears to have been written expressly with her in mind. 1 vanish |ˈvænɪʃ|(莫名其妙地)突然消失 2 national assembly n. 国民大会; 3 house arrest 软禁 4 shoo-in 稳操胜券的人(或队) 5 constitution |ˌkɒnstɪˈtju:ʃn; 美 ˌkɑ:nstəˈtu:ʃn| 宪法;章程 6 spouse |spaʊs; spaʊz| 配偶 The result is that another NLD member, Htin Kyaw, has been sworn in as president. Mr Htin Kyaw, a close ally of Miss Suu Kyi’s, is a good egg. But Miss Suu Kyi has made it clear that she will be president in all but name. That is a far from satisfactory arrangement when stronger institutions, more transparency and greater accountability are needed to strengthen Myanmar’s weak governance, undermined by years of misrule. Also troubling is the fact that Miss Suu Kyi is taking the post of foreign minister as well—and the ministerial portfolios covering education, electricity and the president’s office (making her, in effect, chief-of-staff to herself). It beggars belief that anyone could do justice to so many briefs. The army is not to blame for Miss Suu Kyi’s appalling tendency to micromanage. But allowing her to be the formal president would have given the new, inexperienced government a better chance of being effective and accountable. 1 Htin Kyaw 丁觉 2 a good egg 好人 3 in all but name 在只缺正式名分情况下; 实际上,事实上4 undermined ['ʌndə'maɪnd] 逐渐削弱(信心、权威等);使逐步减少效力 5 portfolio |pɔ:tˈfəʊliəʊ; 美 pɔ:rtˈfoʊlioʊ| (部长或大臣的)职责,职务6 chief-of-staff to herself 总参谋长 7 beggars belief 难以相信;无法形容8 do justice to 恰当处理某人(或某事) breif 任务简介;指示 9 appalling |əˈpɔ:lɪŋ| 令人震惊的;使人惊骇的;极为恶劣的 10 micromanage 微观管理[处理]; More worrying is what the army is holding on to in government. Army men fill three powerful cabinet posts, overseeing defence, border affairs and home affairs. They have government experience, and may run rings around the callow democrats. What is more, the army and its affiliated ministries dominate the National Defence and Security Council, which can disband parliament and impose martial law—the constant threat to Myanmar’s new dispensation. 1 overseeing 监督 2 callow |ˈkæləʊ; 美 -loʊ| 幼稚无经验的;未谙世事的 3 run rings around 明显比…好,胜过; 4 disband|dɪsˈbænd| 解散 5 martial martial |ˈmɑ:ʃl; 美 ˈmɑ:rʃl| 战争的;军事的 martial law 军事管制,戒严 6 dispensation |ˌdɪspenˈseɪʃn| (某一国家某一时期的政治、宗教)制度 What is it the army seeks by maintaining its influence? Foremost, perhaps, the generals do not want ever to be prosecuted for crimes and atrocities committed during their long dictatorship. Then come the material interests of the top 50-odd army families. They wish to hold on to their extraordinary and largely criminal wealth, including big property holdings in Yangon, the commercial capital, without fear of reprisals or confiscation. They will see as their protector the army’s appointee as one of the country’s two vice-presidents, Myint Swe. He is related through marriage to Than Shwe, a former junta leader. Head of the brutal military intelligence at the time of the bloody repression of a monk-led “saffron revolution” in 2007, he was also until recently chief minister for the Yangon region. Nothing like friends in high places. 1 prosecute |ˈprɒsɪkju:t; 美 ˈprɑ:s-| 起诉;控告;检举 2 atrocity |əˈtrɒsəti; 美 əˈtrɑ:s-| (尤指战争中的)残暴行为 3 dictatorship |ˌdɪkˈteɪtəʃɪp; 美 -tərʃ-| 独裁;专政 4 Yangon [ˈjɑ:nˈɡɔn] 仰光(缅甸首都)5 reprisal |rɪˈpraɪzl| 报复;报复行动 6 confiscation [ˌkɒnfɪs'keɪʃən] 没收,充公,征用; 7 appointee |əˌpɔɪnˈti:| 被任命者;被委任者 8 junta |ˈdʒʌntə; 美 ˈhʊntə| (武力夺取政权的)军人集团,军政府 9 brutal |ˈbru:tl| 残暴的;兽性的 10 saffron |ˈsæfrən| 干藏红花粉; 金黄色,橘黄色; 11 repression|rɪˈpreʃn| 镇压