地道英语:To miss the boat 错失良机

地道英语:To miss the boat 错失良机

2014-03-31    03'34''

主播: 英语频道

4082 265

Finn: Come on, Feifei! We are going to be late. This party is my big chance! Feifei: I'm almost ready, Finn! 大家好,我是冯菲菲。Finn 邀请我和他一起去他那个特有钱的叔叔搞的聚会,听说他还请了好多名流。 Finn: Come on! And lots of musicians... Well, I'm a bit of a rocker myself, and this might just be my chance to meet someone famous... Come on! Feifei: 原来 Finn 想借这个聚会显示一下自己的摇滚天赋!Ha! Coming! Finn: Maybe I can join a band... live the rock star life... oh, this is my one big chance! Come on or I'll miss the boat! Feifei: Miss the boat? 你赶不上船了?怎么不早说!? (Hurried steps, sound of rummaging in a wardrobe and a lifejacket inflating) Feifei: Here I am. Finn: A lifejacket!? Feifei: 当然得戴上救生衣,以防万一!We are going on a boat! 我其实有点儿怕水,因为我不会游泳。 Finn: But Feifei, there's no real boat. In English, we use the expression 'to miss the boat' to mean we are too late to take advantage of a good opportunity. Feifei: What? 又没有船了?To miss the boat 船已经开走了,其实是个英语成语,比喻错过机会了,坐失良机? Finn: That's it. Listen to these examples. If I hadn't bought a new flat last year I would have missed the boat. Properties are more expensive now. I should have travelled the world when I was young. Now I have a family to take care of. I might have missed the boat. Feifei: 这个短语其实是用船离港这个动作来表示错过了一个机会。 Finn: Well, we're not going to make it on time now, unless... we take my uncle's helicopter! It's parked in a field nearby. Come on! Feifei: Helicopter! 你叔叔还有自己的直升飞机?那不成我们还真的坐飞机去参加这个聚会?等一下 Finn. (Hurried steps, rummaging in the wardrobe again) Feifei: 这次我可是完全做好了飞行准备。 Finn: Feifei, is that what I think it is? A parachute?! Feifei: 坐飞机当然得带降落伞了,我不会游泳就更别提会飞了。再说了,我有恐高症。 Finn: OK. Feifei, don't worry. Let's just go to the party. We don't want to miss the boat, do we? Feifei: 不要 miss the boat, 也不能错过直升飞机!Bye. Finn: Bye. (Helicopter taking off)