

2016-07-12    03'47''

主播: ╰つ安久

535 18

FireWorks Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind 你是否曾经感觉像任风摆布的塑料袋 Wanting to start again? 等待下一次重新出发? Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin 你是否曾经觉得,觉得像脆弱如薄纸一般 Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in 像扑克牌堆堆起的小屋,风吹一下就倒塌 Do you ever feel already buried deep? 你是否曾经感觉像已深埋在土堆裡 6 feet under screams, but no one seems to hear a thing 在已逝的世界里用力嘶喊,永远沒人听的見 Do you know that there&`&s still a chance for you 你心里其实懂得,仍有机会再等待著你 &`&Cause there&`&s a spark in you 就是你心中的那朵希望之火 You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine 你只需要将它点燃,那道光,让它照耀 Just own the night like the 4th of July 就像国庆日夜晚所看到的那般 Cause baby you&`&re a firework 你就是夜空里的花火 Come on, show them what you&`&re worth 向大家展现你的能力吧 Make them go "oh, oh, oh" 让大家为你欢呼 As you shoot across the sky-y-y 当你在空中绽放自我 Baby, you&`&re a firework 亲爱的,你就是夜空里的花火 Come on, let your colors burst 来吧,绽放你无与伦比的色彩 Make them go "oh, oh, oh" 让大家为你欢呼 You&`&re gonna leave them falling down-own-own 你将会让他们为之折服 You don&`&t have to feel, like a waste of space 你不需要认为自己是多余的 You&`&re original, cannot be replaced 你是独一无二,无可取代 If you only knew, what the future holds 如果你知道,未來渺茫不可知 After a hurricane, comes a rainbow 在暴风雨后,总會有美丽的彩虹 Maybe your reason why, all the doors are closed 也许你总是抱怨,为何总是处处碰壁 So you could open one that leads you to the perfect room 所以这样你才能靠自己的力量找到最自我的存在 Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow 那种 感觉就像一道闪电,刺激你的心 And when it&`&s time you know 时机到了你会懂的 You just gotta ignite, the light, and let it shine 你只需要將将它点燃,那道光,让它照耀 Just own the night like the 4th of July 就像国庆烟火一样 Cause baby you&`&re a firework 你就是夜空里的花火 Come on, show them what you&`&re worth 向大家展现你的能力吧 Make them go "oh, oh, oh" 让大家为你欢呼 As you shoot across the sky-y-y 当你在空中绽放自我 Baby, you&`&re a firework 亲爱的,你就是夜空里的花火 Come on, let your colors burst 来吧,绽放你无与伦比的色彩 Make them go "oh, oh, oh" 让大家为你欢呼 You&`&re gonna leave them falling down-own-own Boom, boom, boom 砰 砰 砰 Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon 比明月更加光亮 It&`&s always been inside of you, you, you 它一直都深藏在你心中最深处 And now it&`&s time to let it though 该是時候大展身手了 Cause baby you&`&re a firework 你就是夜空里的花火 Come on, show them what you&`&re worth 向大家展現你的能力吧 Make them go "oh, oh, oh" 让大家为你欢呼 As you shoot across the sky-y-y 当你在空中绽放自我 Baby, you&`&re a firework 亲爱的,你就是夜空里的花火 Come on, let your colors burst 来吧,绽放你无与伦比的色彩 Make them go "oh, oh, oh" 让大家为你欢呼 You&`&re gonna leave them falling down-own-own 你将会让他们为之折服
上一期: 《风起来的时光》
下一期: 《没关系》