《Melancholy Astronautic Man》Allie Moss

《Melancholy Astronautic Man》Allie Moss

2017-11-23    02'33''

主播: ╰つ安久

571 15

Melancholy Astronautic Man - Original 歌手:Allie Moss You're like a man, alone in outer space 你像一个独自在外太空的人 Cradling the earth in the palm of his hand 在手中保育地球 You orbit 'round tempted by a face 你的轨道被一个美丽的脸诱惑 Of beauty so alive she leaves you spellbound 你被她迷住 Even the stars seem to burn for her 即使繁星似乎为她燃烧 What a melancholy astronautic man 一个忧郁的宇航员 You know that you're falling without a place to land 你知道你在坠落但没有地方降落 Your heart 你的心 And you are worlds apart 与你是天壤之别 Even when she's in your arms 即使她在你怀里 You say the things you know will spark her laughter 你说你知道的事情会引发她的笑声 Marvel at the glow of the light it brings 惊叹于它带来的光芒 But getting close is the darker matter 但接近后发现其实是暗物质 Forces are at work greater than you know 工作中的力量比你知道的更强大 Even the stars seem to burn for her 即使繁星似乎为她燃烧 What a melancholy astronautic man 一个忧郁的宇航员 You know that you're falling without a place to land 你知道你在坠落但没有地方降落 Your heart 你的心 And you are worlds apart 与你是天壤之别 Even when she's in your arms 即使她在你怀里 Round and round and round You go in circles (3x) 一圈又一圈,你转着圈(3x) What a melancholy astronautic man 一个忧郁的宇航员 You know that you're falling without a place to land 你知道你在坠落但没有地方降落 Your heart 你的心 And you are worlds apart 与你是天壤之别 Even when she's in your arms 即使她在你怀里 What a melancholy astronautic man 一个忧郁的宇航员 You know that you're falling without a place to land 你知道在坠落但你没有地方降落 Your heart 你的心 And you are worlds apart 与你是天壤之别 Even when she's in your arms 即使她在你怀里