《Too Far》Anna F

《Too Far》Anna F

2018-04-10    04'00''

主播: ╰つ安久

210 6

Too Far 歌手:Anna F You and I under different stars 你我共在星辰穹顶之下 You dream a lot and I keep chasing the past 你憧憬未来而我却缅怀旧事 To remind you of who we are 为了让你不对我们的身份迷茫 You've been gone for a while 你已离去稍时 In a distance another time 另一个时间的距离 When you lay with me in the stillness of night 当你与我共同沉浸在黑夜的寂静中时 I'm there where we used to be calling out 我却在那片你我曾经呼唤本心的土地 Calling out 歇斯底里地呼唤着 Lay down, lay down on my shoulder 躺下吧,依靠在我的臂膀上 Take me to the water 带我去那眼清泉 Let's not talk it over 不要再过多地商议了 We're islands in an ocean 我们就是汪洋大海中的孤岛 Silences are broken 沉默已经破碎 Lay down on my shoulder as if we were still closer 依靠在我的臂膀上就像你我依旧亲密 But we're too far 但我们之间却隔着千山万壑 Drifting too far 漂流地太远了 But we're too far 但我们仍然犹如天与地一般相隔甚远 Drifting too far 浪迹已远 Feel the rush of my secret heart 感受我神秘的心灵的急切 Forgive the light was the call of the dark 原谅那光曾是黑暗的召唤 Can you hear what I never said 你能听到我未曾出口的呢喃吗 That I need what you are 我需要本来的你 Take a minute and look around 稍稍驻足,环顾四周 Take a look we're all alone 看着你我独处相依 You can never cut me out 你将永远不能与我分离 Don't look away now 别将你的目光投向远方 Take a minute and look around 用些许光阴好好看看 Been away for too long, for too long 你我分离已经太久 Lay down, lay down on my shoulder 睡下吧,在我的肩膀上 Take me to the water 带我去那圣水 Let's not talk it over 没有商量的余地 We're islands in an ocean 我们就像波涛骇浪中的小岛 Silences are broken 寂静已被打碎 Lay down on my shoulder as if we were still closer 在我肩旁小鸟依人如果我们依旧亲密 But we're too far 但你我相隔甚远 Drifting too far 浪迹已远 But we're too far 你我就像北极与南极 Drifting too far 浪迹已远 In a night under strange stars 在一个异星璀璨的夜晚 Been awake for too long 我们已经清醒太久 I'm wondering where you are 我在好奇你在何方 How did we go wrong 到底做错了什么 You and I see the same stars 你我看到了同样光芒璀璨的星辰 Been awake for too long, for too long 我们无法入眠 Lay down, lay down on my shoulder 躺下吧,在我的肩膀上躺下吧 Take me to the water 带我去那爱的清泉 Let's not talk it over 无需多余的商讨 We're islands in an ocean 我们是碧洋中的翡翠 Silences are broken 沉默已被打破 Lay down on my shoulder as if we were still closer 躺下吧,在我的肩膀上躺下吧 But we're too far 可惜你我相隔甚远 Drifting too far 浪迹已远 But we're too far 你我就像两条平行线 Drifting too far 浪迹已远
上一期: 《aHUOz》
下一期: 《生命树》吴雨霏