

2016-10-21    17'10''

主播: 英语好好学❤

443 41

时态讲解:一般过去时 一、 一般过去时的概念:表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。 二、一般过去时常和表示过去的时间状语连用。如last week (上周), last year (去年), yesterday(昨天)等。 三、动词过去式的形式 1、规则动词的过去式有四条规则: 1) 一般在动词原形词尾直接加上-ed。 如: look-looked, learn-learned。 2) 以不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直加-d。 如: live-lived, like - liked。 3) 单词词尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭 音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed。 如:stop-stopped。 4)单词词尾是辅音字母+y结尾的动词, 先变y为i,然后再加-ed。如: study- studied, fly-flied。 2. 不规则动词的过去式需特殊记忆。 如:am/is-was, are-were, go-went, come-came, eat-ate, swim-swam have/has-had, do-did,win-won等。 四、应用 1、表示存在状态的句子中通常含有be动词 (be动词的过去式为was, were)   1) I was at home yesterday. 我昨天在家。   2) It was sunny yesterday. 昨天天很晴朗。   3) There was a game in our school last week. 上周我们学校有一场比赛。   4) There were many trees here last year. 去年这里有许多树。 2、一般过去时表示某个时间发生的动作, 这里的动作通常指的是实义动词。 例如:go (过去式went), see (过去时 saw), eat (过去式ate)等。    1) I went to the museum yesterday. 我昨天去了博物馆。    2) Cody washed the dishes just now. 科迪刚刚洗了碟子。    3) Jack saw a film last week. 杰克上周看了一场电影。    4) I played soccer after school. 我放学后踢了踢球。    5) I watched TV last night. 昨天晚上我看电视了。 五、句型转换 含有be动词的句型转换: 第1组     1. I was at home yesterday. (肯定句)     2. I wasn&`&t at home yersterday. (否定句)     3. Were you at home yesterday? (一般 疑问句)     4. Yes, I was./No, I wasn.t.(肯定回答/否 定回答)     5.I was at home yesterday.(对at home 提问) Where were you yesterday? (特殊疑问 句) 第2组     1. It was sunny yesterday. (肯定句)     2. It wasn&`&t sunny yesterday. (否定句)     3. Was it sunny yesterday? (一般疑问句)     4. Yes, it was./No, it wasn.t.(肯定回答/否 定回答)     5. It was sunny yesterday.(对sunny提问) How was it yesterday? (特殊疑问句) 或者:What was the weather like yesterday? 第3组     1. There was a game in our school last week.(肯定句)     2.There wasn.t a game in our school last week.(否定句)     3. Was there a game in your school last week? (一般疑问句)     4. Yes, there was. / No, there wasn&`&t. (肯定回答/否定回答)     5. There was a game in our school last week. (对last week提问) When was there a game in your school? (特殊疑问句) 第4组     1. There were many trees on the hill last year. (肯定句)     2. There weren&`&t many trees on the hill last year. (否定句)     3. Were there many trees on the hill last year?(一般疑问句)     4. Yes, there were./No, there weren&`&t. (肯定回答/否定回答)     5. There were many trees on the hill last year. (对many trees提问)    What was on the hill last year? (特殊疑问句) 含有实义动词的句型转换: 第1组     1. I went to the park yesterday. (肯定句)     2. I didn.t go to the park yesterday. (否定 句)     3. Did you go to the park yesterday? (一 般疑问句)     4. Yes, I did. / No, I didn.t. (肯定回答/ 否 定回答)     5. I went to the park yesterday. (对to the park提问) Where did you go yesterday? (特殊疑问 句) 第2组    1. Cody washed the dishes just now (刚 才). (肯定句) 2. Cody didn.t wash the dishes just now. (否定句)     3. Did Cody wash the dishes just now? (一般疑问句)     4. Yes, she did. / No, she didn.t.(肯定回 答/ 否定回答) 5. Cody washed the dishes just now. (对just now提问)   When did Cody wash the dishes? (特殊疑问句) 第3组     1. I played soccer after school. (肯定句)     2. I didn.t play soccer after school. (否定 句)     3. Did you play soccer after school? (一 般疑问句)     4. Yes, I did. / No, I didn.t. (肯定回答/ 否 定回答)     5. I played soccer after school. (对played soccer提问)    What did you do after school? (特殊疑问 句) 第4组     1. I watched TV last night. (肯定句)     2. I didn.t watch TV last night. (否定句)     3. Did you watch TV last night? (一般疑 问句)  4. Yes, I did./ No, I didn.t. (肯定回答/ 否 定) 5. I watched TV last night. (对I提问)    Who watched TV last night? (特殊疑问 句)