起床洗脸了哦。 Get up to wash your face.
洗脸刷牙。 Wash your face and brush your teeth.
脖子也要洗洗哦。 Wash your neck,too.
谁要先洗?Who wants to wash up first?
需要妈妈帮你吗?Want Mom to help you?
妈妈,你可以帮我吗? Can you help me.Mom?
自己洗的话,我会弄湿衣服的。If I do it by myself, I will get my clothes wet.
我不想洗脸。 I don’t want to clean my face.
我要吃饭后再洗。I’ll wash myself after I eat.
都洗好了吗? Are you done?
我正在洗,妈咪。I’m working, Mommy.
拿一条干净的毛巾。Get a clean towel.
妈咪,没有毛巾。Mom,there’s no towel.
妈咪,可以拿条新毛巾给我吗? Mom,can you get me a new towel?
洗好后,你看起来好美哦。You look pretty after cleaning.
厕所的地板很滑,要小心哦。 Watch out for the slippery floor.
一天要刷三次牙。You should brush your teeth three times a day.
好好地刷牙。Brush your teeth properly.
刷牙要上下刷。 Brush up and down.
不要忘记也要刷里面哦。 Don’t forget to brush deep inside.
牙和牙床都要彻底地刷干净。 Clean your teeth and gums thoroughly.
不要忘记刷舌头。Don’t forget to brush your tongue.
漱口,然后吐掉。Gargle and spit.
牙刷上要沾点牙膏. Put only a little toothpaste on your toothbrush.
妈妈,帮我挤牙膏。Mom, squeeze the toothpaste for me.
我们没有牙膏了。We’re out of toothpaste.
一定要刷三分钟。Brush for three minutes.
三分钟到了吗?Has it been three minutes yet?
不要忘记关水。Don’t leave the water running.
我讨厌刷牙。I hate brushing my teeth.
妈妈,帮我刷牙。Brush my teeth for me, Mom.
要好好刷牙,不然的话,你的牙齿会变黑的哦。Brush your teeth well, or they will turn black.
如果你不好好照顾你的牙齿的话,你会有蛀牙哦。If you don’t take care of your teeth ,you’ll get cavities.
不好好刷牙的话,会有口臭。If you don’t brush well,you’ll have bad breath.
不要用错误的方法刷牙。Don’t brush your teeth the wrong way.