【卡爷经典绘本】Does a kangaroo have a mother,too?

【卡爷经典绘本】Does a kangaroo have a mother,too?

2017-02-01    10'42''

主播: 甜心和妈妈的故事小屋

254 5

Does a kangaroo have a mother,too?袋鼠有妈妈吗? Yes. a kangaroo has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,袋鼠有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 Does a lion have a mother,too? 狮子有妈妈吗? Yes. a lion has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,狮子有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 Does a giraffe have a mother,too?长颈鹿有妈妈吗? Yes. a giraffe has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,长颈鹿有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 Does a penguin have a mother,too?企鹅有妈妈吗? Yes. a penguin has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,企鹅有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 Does a swan have a mother,too?天鹅有妈妈吗? Yes. a swan has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,天鹅有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 Does a fox have a mother,too?狐狸有妈妈吗? Yes. a fox has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,狐狸有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 Does a dolphin have a mother,too?海豚有妈妈吗? Yes. a dolphin has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,海豚有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 Does a sheep have a mother,too?羊有妈妈吗? Yes. a sheep has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,羊有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 Does a bear have a mother,too?熊有妈妈吗? Yes. a bear has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,熊有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 Does an elephant have a mother,too?大象有妈妈吗? Yes. an elephant has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,大象有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 Does a monkey have a mother,too?猴子有妈妈吗? Yes. a monkey has a mother.Just like me and you.是的,猴子有妈妈,就像我和你一样。 And do animal mothers love their babies?Yes!Yes!Of course they do.所有动物妈妈都爱它们的孩子吗?是的!是的!它们当然爱孩子啦。 Animal mothers love their babies,just like yours love you!动物妈妈爱它们的孩子,就像你们的妈妈爱你们一样!