托福TPO13  Conversation1

托福TPO13 Conversation1

2014-11-20    03'00''

主播: 当绿July

221 72

TPO 13 Conversation 1 Narrator Listen to a conversation between a student and his psychology professor. Professor: Good afternoon, Alex, can I help you with something? Student: Well, I wanted to talk with you about the research project you assigned today. I um…I hope you could clarify a few things for me. Professor: I’ll certainly try. Student: Ok, all we have to do is do two observations and take notes on them, right? Professor: Ur, that’s a start, but you’ll need to do some research, too. Then you will write a paper that is not so much about the observations, but a synthesis of what you have observed and read. Student: Ok….And what about the children I am supposed to observe? Professor: Not children, a single child observed twice. Student: Oh…Ok, so I should choose a child with the permission of the child’s parent of course and then observe that child a couple of times and take good notes, then? Professor: Actually after your first observation, you’ll go back and look through your textbook or go to a library and find a few sources concerning the stage of development this particular child is in. And then, with that knowledge, you will make a second observation of the same child to see if the expected developmental behaviors are exhibited. Student: Can you give me an example? Professor: Well, um, if you observed a four-year-old child, for example, my daughter is 4 years old; you might read up on Piaget’s stages of cognitive development we covered those in class. Student: Uh-huh. Professor: Uh, most likely, what stage would a child of that age be in? Student: Um… the pre-operational stage? Professor: Exactly, if that’s the case, her language use would be maturing and her memory and imagination would be developed. Student: So she might play pretend like she can pretend when driving her toy car across a couch that the couch is actually a bridge or something. Professor: That is right. In addition, her thinking would be primarily egocentric. Student: So she would be thinking mostly about herself and her own needs, and might not be able to see things from anyone else’s perspective? Professor: Hmm..huh. Student: But what if she doesn’t? I mean, what if she doesn’t demonstrate those behaviors? Professor: That’s fine; you’ll note that in your paper. See, your paper should compare what is expected of children at certain stages of development with what you actually observed. Student: Ok, I have one more question now. Professor: And what’s that? Student: Where can I find a child to observe? Professor: Um, I suggest you contact the education department secretary. She has a list of contacts at various schools and with certain families who are somehow connected to the university. Sometimes they are willing to help out students with projects like yours. Student: Ok, I’ll stop by the education department office this afternoon. Professor: And if you have any trouble or any more questions, feel free to come by during my office hours.
上一期: 托福TPO12 Lecture4
下一期: 托福TPO13 Lecture1