

2016-10-18    10'57''

主播: 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma

266 4

Judy Padma(朱巧鳯)| 广电英语主持 | 高级英语翻译 | 最尊贵(差一秒)同声传译 | 高级翻译 | 《解密英语少儿英语》《解密英语基因(初中版)》《常用英语口语999句》 《商务英语口语实战》《外贸函电英语》《26字母的奥秘和字母组合发音》《英语48国际音标突破》《佛法与生活(英译著作)》等著作教授 The harder I study, the better my English will be. 我越努力,我的英语就会越好。 ****** ****** ****** 成功只属于每天坚持不懈学习英语的人! Success belongs to the people who are sticking to learning English everyday ! .......... 合作或交流请加微信 549587513(QQ) PLEASE CONTACT ME IF CO-OPERATION OR COMMUNICATION ADD WECHAT:voc_Judy_Padma QQ:549587513 一个人的时候,听荔枝FM. Please listen to Lichee FM when you are alone. 18th. October, 2016, Tuesday 421. Are you going to have a party? 你要举行聚会吗? 422. Aren't you concerned about it? 难道你不担心吗? 423. Don't forget to keep in touch. 别忘了保持联系。 424. He broke his words once again. 他又一次违背了诺言。 425. He is in his everyday clothes. 他穿着平常的衣服。 She is in blue dress. 她穿着蓝色套装。 575. I don't doubt that he will help me. 我不怀疑他会援助我。 576. I hope you enjoy your stay with us. 希望您在这儿过的愉快。 577. I'd like to-repair our differences. 我愿意消除一下我们之间的分歧。 578. It's nothing to be surprised about. 这事不值得大惊小怪。 579. It's rude to stare at other people. 盯着别人看是不礼貌的。