最新歌曲欣赏 夏墨彦 娅琳《拥抱黑暗与星星为伴》

最新歌曲欣赏 夏墨彦 娅琳《拥抱黑暗与星星为伴》

2016-10-24    19'48''

主播: 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma

177 3

《拥抱黑夜与星星为伴》由著名词曲作家夏墨彦和华语创作型歌手娅琳共同完成的一首伤感歌曲,也是歌手娅琳参加2017年央视《百姓春晚》选送曲目。 《Hugging darkness & stars as mate》was completed by Famous Writer and Composer Xia Mo Yan and Chinese Creative Singer Yalin together. This Sad Song is also chosen to take part in 2017 CCTV Program 《Local People Spring Festival Party》. 歌手娅琳【拥抱黑夜与星星为伴】现场版高清mv爆光 http://m.youku.com/video/id_XMTc3MTM0ODc4OA==.html?x=&sharefrom=android&from=timeline&isappinstalled=0 娅琳:出生于湖北荆州,现住居深圳。华语原创歌手,从小就极具音乐天赋,嗓音甜美,音域极宽。17岁时在广东参加歌唱比赛获得五连冠,随后就到大小演艺吧登台演唱,至今已有十几年的歌唱生涯,在演绎生涯中,参加了多场大型公益慈善演出。代表作《拥抱黑夜与星星做伴》《梦断三生缘》《爱给我坚强》《旧情书》《等一场雪》《冰雪梅花》《爱情很美也很累》 《美丽灰姑娘》等作品,除了国语歌曲,她还对粤语,台语都能演唱的十分不错。 互动吧-全线推出歌手娅琳【拥抱黑夜与星星为伴】现场版高清MV爆光 互动吧-全线推出歌手娅琳【拥抱黑夜与星星为伴】现场版高清MV爆光 Yalin: Born in Jingzhou, Hubei. Living in Shenzhen now. Chinese Original Creative Singer. She had a talent, musical, sweet and wide voice. She got Five Series Champion in Singing Competition of Guangdong when she was only 17 years. And followed by, she performed in different big or small stages. She has been over ten years as a singer by now. During her performance years, has taken part in many big Charity Shows. Standard works: 《Hugging Darkness & Stars As Mate》 《Dream Stopped Three Lives Chances》 《Love gives Me Strength》 《Old Love Letters》 《Waiting for A Snow》 《Ice Snow Chinese Mei Flower》 《Love's Beautiful but Tired》 《The Most Beautiful Grey Girl》 Etc. Except Chinese Mainderine, she also can sing quite well in Cantonese and Taiwanese. 基本资料 Basic Information 艺名Art Name:娅琳 Yalin 外文名Foreign Name:Ms Lin 生日Birth:12月12日 12th of December 身高Height: 165cm 体重Weight: 50kg 出生地Birth Place: 湖北荆州 Jingzhou Hubei 国籍Nationality: 中国 China 星座 Constellation: 射手座 Sagittarius/Shooter 兴趣Interests: 唱歌 Singing, 表演 Performance, 摄影 Photoing 擅长的乐器Favorite Music Instrument: 钢琴 Piano 最喜欢的歌手Favorite Singers: 玛利亚Maria, 凯利Kaili, 张学友Zhang Xue You, 邓丽君 Deng Lijun 最喜欢的穿着Favorite Dress: 女人味 Womanhood 最欣赏自己的By Herself: 懂得生活,Understanding life 阳光自信,Sunshining Confidence 坚持自己,Persisting Herself 真诚坦率,Honest and Candid 谦和大度,Modest and Generosity 敢爱敢恨,Dare to love & hate 淡定从容. Staid and Calm 最想去的地方 Favorite Places: 法国巴黎 Paris France, 阿尔卑斯山 Alps 互动吧-全线推出歌手娅琳【拥抱黑夜与星星为伴】现场版高清MV爆光 夏墨彦:著名作家、媒体评论人、知名学者、华语古风伤感词曲作家、超人气玄幻小说作家、台湾最喜欢的穿越小说最强作家,主要作品《穿越之极品败家子》《古墓神剑》《罗马伤都情》《心灵的钥匙》《围城里的世界》等 参与多部影视剧制作、与国内多名著名歌手和音乐人合作,发行了近百首单曲和影视歌曲。 Xia Moyan, a famous writer-media Critic, well-known Professor, writer & composer, member of China Musicians Associations. Domestic Famous Musician and Chinese Classic Sorrow Pop Writer. Chinese Music Original Classic Style Writer. Super Mystery Novelist. Favorite Crossing-Novels Writer In Taiwan. And He ever criticized for a lot of Famous Writers' Works.Participating Some Movie-TV Productions and Co-operating with Famous Singers and Musicians in China. Publishing almost 100 Songs and Movie-TV Songs. Main Works: 《Super Squanderer》 《 Ancient Tomb Magical Sword》 《Rome Sorrow Emotion》 《Soul Key》 《The World of Encircling A City》etc. 歌曲代表作:Songs 《拥抱黑夜与星星为伴》 《Hugging Darkness and Stars as Mate》 《中华魂》《Chinese Soul》《Buddhi Flower Blooming花开》《春天里的回忆 Memories in Spring》《望月情思 Looking up the moon Lovesick》 《琅琊月Langya Yue》《情难却Love's Illusion》《情缘剑Love Sword》《古墓神剑Ancient Tomb Magical Sword》《你的转身留下我的泪Your Turn My Tears》《天地姻缘Heaven-Ground Marriage》《那一世誓言That Life's Promise》《穿越时空的爱恋The Love of Overflying Space and Time》《雪域花海Snow Flowers Sea》《秋水吟Autumn Water Recitation》《国花盛开的地方National Flower' s Blooming Places 》《冰雪梅花Ice Snow Chinese Mei Flowers》《梦断三生缘Dream Stopped Three Life's Chances》《再一次牵手Hand Again》《桃花雨主题曲《别隐藏所有的痛Don't hide all pains》》《尘缘有约Dust Dating》《轻卷帘Light Rolling Curtains》《藏秘缘Tibetan Secret Chances》《行之路Walking Road》《未知的背叛Unknown Betray》《最美的灰姑娘The most Beautiful Grey Girl》等。 作为一个好作家和好男人,他有几个准则: He Has Some Principles As a Man and A Writer. 一、好男人是一本好书。 I. A good MAN is A Good Book. 二、网络文学的整合与变革 II. Combination Internet-culture and Revolution/Innovation 三、走多元化发展的道路 III. Multi-developing Ways to Creation Works. 四、音乐成就更大的梦想 V. Music Achieves more dreams. 最美的时光,在路上,墨彦的传奇,在夏墨彦老师的笔端流淌。 The best sceneries are On the Way. The Legend Of Moyan is On the Tip of Pen, Floating into the People's Heart And Soul. 我相信在中国大地乃至世界会传遍这首歌 《Hugging Darkness and Stars as Mate》 《拥抱黑暗与星星为伴》 I trust the song will be popular in China and the World speedly. 为年轻人指引了方向,重新收拾心情重新设定目标,继续前进。 Guiding younger generations,rebuild up emotions and set up goal, keep going on. 中華之聲VOC Judy Padma/朱巧鳳 荔枝Lichee FM1225752 梧桐山 深圳 中国 2016/10/23