【少儿英语晨读诗歌】38.If I Could Touch the Sky

【少儿英语晨读诗歌】38.If I Could Touch the Sky

2019-10-10    01'35''

主播: 少儿英语启蒙老师Ruby

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关注公.众.号.【英语动脉】,可为你免费制定21天学习计划,还有海外留学老师一对一辅导! 《如果我能触摸天空》 Ifi could touch the sky, iwould grab a star andhang it in my bedroom 如果我能触摸天空, 我将捉一颗星星, 把它挂在我的卧室; Ifi could touch the sky, iwould pull down the moon anduse it tolight my room; 如果我能触摸天空, 我将摘下月亮, 用它来照亮我的房间; Ifi could touch the sky, iwould catch a cloud anduse it for my pillow; 如果我能触摸天空, 我将摘一朵云彩, 用它来当我的枕头; Ifi could touch the sky, iwould give away allthe stars that are there tosprinkle everywhere! 如果我能触摸天空, 我将放飞所有的星星, 让它们照亮每个角落。