

2020-03-11    18'58''

主播: 一席英语

8672 61

主播:Jerry I翩翩 配乐: Wonderful world----Sam Cooke Today’s topic:How to make a sentence better? Rule 1:使用形容词和副词! She sing →(Beautiful )Mary sings (happily). *给she一个名字,并选一个形容词描述she; *给动词加副词,描述怎样唱。 Rule2:Add details 加细节 怎么加“细节”?超简单——— 5w1h 原则! 5W=who ,what ,when ,where, why 1H=how Beautiful Mary sings happily. →(During midnight),beautiful Mary sings happily (in the magic forest)( to wake the scary dragon). 在午夜时分,美丽的Mary在魔法森林里开心地唱歌,想要唤醒可怕的龙。 3.Change weak words to stronger words 将弱势词变为强有力的词 使用stronger words能直接呈现出一个scene(场景)。 Practice: ①Nena goes to school. (Grumpy ) Nena,(an eight old years girl),(unfortunately )goes to (a private) school (through a bus)( every day). ②Jerry teaches. (Every Saturday ) (muscular) Jerry ( passionately ) educates (English ) (at ASeat) ( to 3rd grade students) ( because he enjoys being with kids). Homework 你英语老师喊你做作业啦! 使用改写句子的3条黄金法则,请给下面这个句子化化妆,使其变成一个熠熠生辉的句子。 I go to the park.