致新年-W.S.默温-不系舟 郝京京 王小一 彭艳戎朗读-1

致新年-W.S.默温-不系舟 郝京京 王小一 彭艳戎朗读-1

2019-07-01    06'18''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

197 2

《致新年》---W.S. 默温 静默如此你终于出现在山谷裡你第一道抵达的阳光轻触那些高处的叶尖牠们不为所动彷佛不曾留意也从未相识接着一隻鸽子的鸣声从远处呼唤自己进入清晨的宁静这就是你的声音此时此地无论是否有人听见你,这就是我们随着时代抵达之处我们的知识如此我们的希望如此无形无影不可触摸却依然可能To the New YearW.S. MerwinWith what stillness at lastyou appear in the valleyyour first sunlight reaching downto touch the tips of a fewhigh leaves that do not stiras though they had not noticedand did not know you at allthen the voice of a dove callsfrom far away in itselfto the hush of the morningso this is the sound of youhere and now whether or notanyone hears it this iswhere we have come with our ageour knowledge such as it isand our hopes such as they areinvisible before usuntouched and still possible 作者 / W.S.默温 翻译 / Phil 朗读 / 不系舟 郝京京 王小一 彭艳戎 制作 / 无语僧 出品 / 读首诗再睡觉(dushoushizaishujiao)