我们忘了-杰玛·戈尔嘉-Santi&顾袁境&勿丢丢 加泰罗尼

我们忘了-杰玛·戈尔嘉-Santi&顾袁境&勿丢丢 加泰罗尼

2019-07-01    04'54''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

257 2

《我们忘了》 我们忘了 给我们每个夜晚的时钟上发条。 现在看看我们卡住的身体 像不懂怎样咬合的 齿轮,想要重新开始 持续的圆周运动, 像大地,风暴, 舞蹈,还有蛇那样。生命 颠覆,地球盲目的 节奏。现在你敲 午夜十二点,我敲,正午 十二点,现在永远停下 像两根生锈的指针 再不会交汇在彼此 爱的道路,恨的道路。 原本简单的事,我们忘了去做。 【西班牙】杰玛戈尔嘉 / 作 汪天艾 / 译 ENS VAM OBLIDAR Ens vam oblidar de donar corda al rellotge de les mostres nits. I ara mira els cossos, encallats com rodes dentades que no saben acoblar-se, provant de reprendre el constant moviment giratori que tenen la terra, l’hurac, la dansa i la serp. La vida volta sobre si mateixa al ritme cec de l’esfera. I ara tu assenyales les dotze de la nit, jo les dotze del migdia, aturats ja per sempre com dues agulles rovellades que mai no tornaran a creuar-se cam de l’amor, cam de l’odi. Era senzill. I vam oblidar-ho. GEMMA GORGA WE FORGOT We forgot to wind up the clock of our nights. And now look at our bodies jammed like cog-wheels that do not know how to engage, trying to take up the constant gyratory movement shared by the earth, the hurricane, the dance and the snake. Life turns upon itself like the blind rhythm of the sphere. And now you are striking twelve o’clock midnight, and I, twelve noon, now stopped for ever like two rusty hands that will never again cross each other’s love path, hate path. It was a simple matter. And we forgot it. GEMMA GORGA Anna Crowe / 译 出品丨读首诗再睡觉 朗读丨Santi 顾袁境 勿丢丢 制作丨哪吒