

2019-07-01    01'27''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

128 2

那个朋友 我们坐在桌子的两边。他说:切掉你的两只手。它们老是戳到东西。它们可能会碰到我。我说好的。食物在桌子上变凉。他说:烧掉你的身体。它并不干净,闻起来有性的味道。它让我头疼。我说好的。我爱你,我说。很不错,他说,我喜欢被人爱,这让我感到开心。你还没切掉你的两只手吗?作者 / [美国] 玛吉皮尔西翻译 / 光诸The Friend We sat across the table.he said, cut off your hands.they are always poking at things.they might touch me.I said yes.Food grew cold on the table.he said, burn your body.it is not clean and smells like sex.it rubs my mind sore.I said yes.I love you, I said.That’s very nice, he saidI like to be loved,that makes me happy.Have you cut off your hands yet?MARGE PIERCY 朗读 / 李可以、阿May 制作 / 张铎瀚 出品 / 读首诗再睡觉