树-菲利普·拉金-Jeffery 风火海(中英文)朗读-19

树-菲利普·拉金-Jeffery 风火海(中英文)朗读-19

2019-07-01    02'56''

主播: 读首诗再睡觉

181 3

树 树木快要长出新叶 仿佛即将说出什么; 刚出的嫩芽松开并伸展 它们的新绿是某种悲哀。 是否它们得以再生 而我们却要老去?不,它们也将死去。 那些年年新绿的把戏 都写进了一圈圈的年轮。 但这不停摇曳的树林城堡 每到五月依然枝繁叶茂。 去年已死,它们仿佛在说, 让我们重新,重新,重新开始。 作者: 菲利普. 拉金 译: Phil The Trees Philip Larkin The trees are coming into leaf Like something almost being said; The recent buds relax and spread, Their greenness is a kind of grief. Is it that they are born again And we grow old? No, they die too. Their yearly trick of looking new Is written down in rings of grain. Yet still the unresting castles thresh In full grown thickness every May. Last year is dead, they seem to say, Begin afresh, afresh, afresh.