2017.1.8WEC Listen & Learn - Days of the Week 1 (Ransie)

2017.1.8WEC Listen & Learn - Days of the Week 1 (Ransie)

2017-01-08    01'58''

主播: WETALK亲子英语

57 0

Hello, kids! This is Teacher Ransie. Our topic for today is entitled, DAYS OF THE WEEK. Today, we will learn about the days of the week. Kids, are you ready? Let’s start! Our fist word for tonight is MONDAY. Let’s say MONDAY. What is the first day of the week? Monday is the first day of the week. The next one is TUESDAY. Let’s say TUESDAY. What day comes after Monday? Tuesday comes after Monday. The next word is WEDNESDAY. Let’s say WEDNESDAY. What day comes after Tuesday? Wednesday comes after Tuesday. Our last word for today is THURSDAY. Let’s say THURSDAY. What day comes after Wednesday? Thursday comes after Wednesday. Kids, what are the days of the week you’ve learned today? MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Well done! Practice these words and remember, learning English is fun. Till next time! Bye, kids!
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