Toby The Mischievous Cat

Toby The Mischievous Cat

2017-01-20    02'34''

主播: WETALK亲子英语

72 0

Hi! Good evening everyone! Welcome to Tiantian's Bedtime Stories. I'm Teacher Andy. Tonight, we'll read a story entitled "Toby the Mischievous Cat,” written by Abby. Shared by Are you ready? Let's read. Once upon a time, there was a cat named Toby. Toby was a curious cat and always seemed to get himself into trouble. One day he wondered what it would be like if he were a different animal. He tried being a dog, but he didn't find the taste of bones too appealing. He tried being a rabbit, but his ears never seemed to stay on. He tried being a duck, but he didn't have any wings of his own. And he tried being an owl, but it was too boring. All he did was sit there the entire day. Hmm...There had to be some animal he could be. But the more he thought about it, the more he realized. Maybe it wasn't so bad to be a cat after all. And after that, he went on his being his mischievous self. He never wanted to be anyone else again. Just himself. Toby the cat. The end. Sleep tight, everyone!
上一期: Abigail's Dreams
下一期: Pirates Treasure