This Love

This Love

2016-05-19    04'10''


715 36

"This Love" 刻骨铭心 Clear blue water, high tide came and brought you in 澄澈湛蓝海水,潮水高涨,把你送入我的世界 And I could go on and on, on and on, and I will 目睹所有希望幻灭后,我的生活因你愈发明朗 Skies grew darker, currents swept you out again 天色逐渐晦暗,潮水退去,将你一并吞噬卷走 And you were just gone and gone, gone and gone 就这样突然消失不见,悔不当初奈何它都流逝 In silent screams, 恍惚中无助的呼喊 In wildest dreams 阵痛中斑驳的甜蜜 I never dreamed of this 我原来是那样害怕失去 This love is good, this love is bad 这爱是来之不易的幸福,抑或者灭顶之灾 This love is alive back from the dead 一朝溃不成军,却又无法自控着死灰复燃 These hands had to let it go free 当我终于能说服自己,决定开始新的生活 And this love came back to me 这份爱的印记又再次融进我血液之中 Tossing, turning, struggled through the night with someone new 辗转,难眠,夜晚独处时又会无端肆虐 And I could go on and on, on and on 我反复念叨你的昵称以度过这漫漫时光 Lantern burning, flickered in my mind for only you 灯光,长夜,想到你不禁心头开始淤塞 But you're still gone, gone, gone 失去你色调的生活竟不知我该如何继续 Been losing grip, 如巨浪中失控的船 Oh, sinking ships 脆弱总是来势汹汹 You showed up just in time 你却又再次及时地出现 This love is good, this love is bad 这爱是来之不易的幸福,抑或者灭顶之灾 This love is alive back from the dead 一朝溃不成军,却又无法自控着死灰复燃 These hands had to let it go free 当我终于能说服自己,决定开始新的生活 And this love came back to me 这份爱的印记又再次融进我血液之中 This love left a permanent mark 原以为这份爱留下的不过一个永恒的伤疤 This love is glowing in the dark 但这些刻骨铭心的记忆却成就了我的坚强 These hands had to let it go free 当你看到那些在眼眶里打转的泪不再落下 And this love came back to me 那不过我以成长为代价的掩饰与伪装 This love, this love, this love, this love... [4x] Your kiss, my cheek, I watched you leave 封缄一吻,留于颊上,我只能静静目送你离去 Your smile, my ghost, I fell to my knees 回头一笑,摄人心魄,我的防线终究被你瓦解 When you're young you just run 你还年轻有梦要追,我不愿束缚你前进的脚步 But you come back to what you need 但经受一切之后,你真正想要的依然在起点不曾背叛 This love is good, this love is bad 这爱是来之不易的幸福,抑或者灭顶之灾 This love is alive back from the dead 一朝溃不成军,却又无法自控着死灰复燃 These hands had to let it go free 当我终于能说服自己,决定开始新的生活 And this love came back to me 这份爱的印记又再次融进我血液之中 This love left a permanent mark 原以为这份爱留下的不过一个永恒的伤疤 This love is glowing in the dark 但这些刻骨铭心的记忆却成就了我的坚强 These hands had to let it go free 当你看到那些在眼眶里打转的泪不再落下 And this love came back to me 那不过我以成长为代价的掩饰与伪装 This love, this love, this love, this love... [4x]
上一期: The Lucky One
下一期: Sad Beautiful Tragic