Both Of Us(feat.B.O.B )

Both Of Us(feat.B.O.B )

2016-05-25    03'35''


908 48

I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us Some day I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us Ever thought about losing it When your money's all gone and you lose your whip You might lose your grip when the landlord tell ya that you do for rent And the grass so green on the other side Make a n-gga wanna run staight through the fence We're never freezed by ТWo hundred times But still can't find no food in it That's foolishness And sometimes I wonder, why we care so much about the way we look, and the way we talk and the way we act and the clothes we bought, how much that cost? Cause it even really matter? Cause the flight is a uphill battle But y'all tryna climb with the same ol' ladder In the same boat, with the same ol' battle Why so shallow? I'm just asking What's the pattern setting madness Everybody ain't a number one draft pick Most of us ain't hollywood actors But if it's all for one, and one for all Then maybe one day, we all can rock Do it one time for the underdogs Sincerely yours, from one of yours I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both of us Some day I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us I can feel your pain, I can feel your struggle You just wanna live, been levitating so low That you could drown in a bubble That's why I gotta hold us up, yeah hold us up For all the times no one's ever spoke for us To every single time that they play this song You can say that that's what bobby ray wrote for us When the tides get too high And the sea upon your knees get so deep And you feel like you're just another person Getting lost in the crowd, where your partner, no please Uh, because we won't be near yet, both of us But we still stand tall with our shoulders up And even though we always a chance to us These are the things that've molded us And if life hadn't chosen us Sometimes I wonder where woulda wind up Cause if it was up to me, i'd make a new blueprint Feel better from the ground up, hey But if it's all for one, and one for all Then maybe one day, we all can rock Do it one time for the underdogs From bobby ray, to all of y'all I wish I was strong enough to lift not one but both us Some day I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us 我希望我足够强壮能和你一起撑起这片天而不是你一人 我希望有一天我足够强壮能和你一起撑起这片天而不是你一人 每当我想起我已经失去了的 当你失去了钱和赚钱的手段 当你的房东向你讨要房租时你可能会崩溃 外面的草地如此之绿像极了钱 这一切都逼着我冲出栅栏 无论多少次我都不会被这些吓呆而逃避 但是我依然找不到可以进食的东西 这真ТMD让我崩溃 有时我会想,为什么我们总关注那些我们所看到的谈到的扮演的或者所穿的衣服价值多少? 因为这些很重要么? 因为这些苦难就像登山 但是如果没有人指引你你根本不可能登上去 同在一条船上,有着相同的目标 这水为何如此之浅?好吧我只是随便问问 这是什么图案,为何如此充满怒火 每个人连汇率里的一个小数都算不上 我们大多数人都不是好莱坞的演员 但是如果所有人都为了这一个人努力,那么这一个人也会为了所有人努力 也许有一天我们就可以一起摇滚 来吧,为那些地下的人们摇滚一次 用上你最真挚的情感,因为你也曾是其中一员 我可以可以感受到你的痛苦你的磨难 你只是想要求生,却饥饿的可以浮起来 就像你掉进了一个泡泡一样渺茫 这就是为什么我要为了大家而努力, 是的,为了大家 因为曾经没有人愿意帮我们说一句话 在你独处的时候播放这首歌 你可以告诉人们这首歌是bob为我们所写 当涨潮的时候 大海会淹没你的膝盖 你会感觉自己浑 然新生 迷失在人群中,没有人是你的伙伴 因为你们不在附近,但我们是一个整体 你们的双手让我依然站的如此之高 即使这样我们也一直自己创造着机会 所有的这些事情塑造了我们 如果生活没有眷顾我们 有时我想要知道风在哪里启程 因为如果他能把我带的更高,我就可以有一个新的蓝图 从地面起飞的感觉真棒 但是如果所有人都为了这一个人努力,那么这一个人也会为了所有人努力 也许有一天我们就可以一起摇滚 来吧,为那些地下的人们摇滚一次 从我bob唱出来,献给所有的人们
上一期: Thug Story(&T-Pain)
下一期: Wait For Me