英孚英语小课堂第一季- 214我要上学啦

英孚英语小课堂第一季- 214我要上学啦

2017-02-14    05'11''

主播: 天津英孚青少儿英语

488 14

小朋友们是不是马上要开学了呢?今天我们就讲讲大家每天早上必须做的几件事吧。 What do you do in the morning? 小朋友们每天早上起床有几件事是必须做的呢? Let’s count!我们来数一数: No.1 wake up 起床 No.2 put on clothes穿衣服 No.3 go to the bathroom 去洗手间 No.4 brush teeth 刷牙 No.5 wash face洗脸 No.6 have breakfast吃早饭 No.7 go to school上学 In the morning I wake up! 早上第一件事就是要先起床。每天早上妈妈都会wake me up!叫我起床! In the morning I put on my clothes. 早上我还要穿衣服。 Put on my coat, put on my pants, put on my socks and shoes. 每天早上穿大衣,穿裤子,穿袜子和穿鞋。 In the morning I go to the bathroom. 早上我要上厕所。 In the morning I brush my teeth. 早上我要刷牙! In the morning I wash my face. 早上我要洗脸! In the morning I have breakfast! 早上我要吃早饭!小朋友们一定要吃好早餐,吃得又营养,这样才能充满活力的开始新的一天哦! In the morning I go to school! 早上我去上学!上学可不能迟到哦! 大家和Wendy一起来有节奏的哼唱这些日常行为吧 In the morning, In the morning, wake up, wake up, I wake up! In the morning, in the morning, put on clothes, I put on my clothes! In the morning, in the morning, go to the bathroom, I go to the bathroom! In the morning, in the morning, brush teeth, I brush my teeth! In the morning, in the morning, wash face, I wash my face! In the morning, in the morning, have breakfast,I have breakfast! In the morning, in the morning, go to school,I go to school! 今天也给小朋友们布置个小任务吧,大家把这些都有节奏的哼唱出来给爸爸妈妈听,也可以把这些日常行为的英文用小纸条写下来,贴在每天要做这些事的地方。 好了,see you next time! 搜索“天津英孚青少儿英语”关注天津英孚官方微信收听更多精彩内容