

2015-06-01    04'34''

主播: 青格儿

365 8

Are you ready to learn your ABCs? A is for the airplane, above the clouds so high, soaring and singing, like a big bird in the sky. B is for a bunny, with a fuzzy cotton tail, he goes hippity-hop-hop-hop, along the bunny trail. C is for my cat, she is as cuddly as can be, but she miaows out so loud and she gets stuck in a tree. D is for the daytime, when the sun is shining bright, that's the time I go to school, and learn to do things right. (ABCDEFG, HIJKLMN, OPQ, RST, UVW, X, Y, Z) E is for an elephant, he is big and has no hands, but he can use his long long trunk to meet all his demands. F is for the fire engine, there is a fire up ahead, when in the car pull over and stop, and let it go instead. G is for a little girl, the opposite of a boy. It's a fun to play together, and they can share their toys. H is for hello, which is something nice to say, it means I'm glad to see you, any time of a day. I is for insects, like butterflies and bees, they are all a part of nature, so respect them if you please. J is for your jacket, when you go outside you wear it, to keeps you nice and warm, so you can play without care. K is for a kite, you can fly it in the wind, sometimes diving low, but then it shoots back up again.. L is for the leaves that they are green and grow on trees; sometimes they turn colors and fall to the ground with ease. M is for music, there is music in this song, and if you learn the words to it, and you can sing along. N is for your nose, it's in the middle of your face, and with your nose you can smell the cookies mom just baked. O is for an orange, like holding sunshine in your hands, you peel it and then open it, and then give some to your friends. P is for your puppy, that's a dog when it’s small, when he gets older, just like you; he will be strong and tall. Q is for quiet, it's the opposite of loud, it's hard when there are so many sounds, and when you're in a crowd. R is for the rain, water falling from the sky, it's hard to not get wet, but if you want to you can try. S is for a song, like the one I'm singing to you; it can make you happy and can help you learn things too. T is for a teacher, at school or anywhere, they show you how to learn a lot like big and write with care. U is for umbrella, you can use it when it rains, keep you nice and dry, till the sun come out again. V is for a visit, on weekend sometimes go, to grandma's or to aunt's or to other friends' you know. W is a welcome, that's what I like say, when friends come to my house it means come on in and play. X is for a xylophone, it's an instrument you know, or you can use an X when you play tic tac toe. Y is for you, that's the person that you are, to me and all your friends, and we hope that you go far. Z is for zoo, lots of animals to see, and everyone is very special, just like you and me. (ABCDEFG, HIJKLMN, OPQ, RST, UVW, X, Y, Z) And now you learn your ABCs, have fun, good bye... bye... 你准备好学你的ABC歌谣了吗? A代表飞机,在云朵中穿梭,仿佛一只大鸟翱翔。 B代表小兔子,但他却不叫他的尾巴,却不停的跳跃。 C代表我的小猫,她惹人抱又可爱,但是她发脾气依然可爱。 D代表白天,当太阳照耀着大地,我去学校学会是与非,公正与做人。 E代表大象,他庞大但没有双手,但他可以用他的长鼻子满足他所有的需求。 F代表消防车,当前方有火,他们会及时抢救。 G代表小女孩,上面是个小男孩。他们在一起快乐的玩耍,一起玩玩具。 H代表你好,一句彬彬有礼的问好,意思是我在一天的任何时候都很高兴见到你。 I代表里面,如同一只蝴蝶在小豆子里面。它们都是大自然的一部分,请你保护它们。 J代表你的外衣,当你外出的时候你穿着外衣,你就会感到无比温暖,这样你就可以无忧无虑的游玩。 K代表风筝,你可以拉着它在风中飘扬。有时候飞不起来,但是它很快就可以再次上升到天空中。 L代表树叶,他们是碧绿的而且长在树上。有时候他们会变成红,或黄的落叶,然后落在地上。 M代表音乐,这首儿歌有伴奏。如果你仔细听,好好学歌词,你可以跟着伴奏一起唱。 N代表你的鼻子,它长在你的脸的中间。你的鼻子可以闻到周围饼干的香味。 O代表一个橙子,就像用双手捧着阳光。我计划着自己的obnin,然后再给一些给我的朋友。 P代表你的小狗,是一个非常小的小狗,他会和你一样慢慢成长。当他长大以后,就会又高又壮。 Q代表安静,是有活力的相反。在人群中,你会听到各种各样的杂音,而无法找到安静。 R代表雨,也就是天上落下来的水,很难不被淋湿。但是如果你想,你可以试试看。 S代表一首歌,就像我现在正在唱给你的这首,它既可以让你开心也可以帮助你学东西。 T代表老师,无论在学校或是哪里,他们交给你们很多东西,就像B。是的,我们很在乎。 U代表雨伞,当下雨的时候,你就可以用它。它会避免你临时。 V代表拜访,我们就可以偶尔去拜访,比如去奶奶,阿姨家,或者你的好朋友家。 W代表欢迎,是我很喜欢说的一个词。当朋友来我家时候,欢迎的意思就是进来然后大家一起玩。 X代表木琴,它是一个乐器。或者你在弹吉他的时候也可以用到它。 Y代表你,对于我也对于所有人,这个人就是你。我们都希望你在人生中走长远的一条路。 Z代表动物园,你可以看到很多动物。每个动物都很有特色,就像你和我。 现在你学会了你的A,B,C歌曲了~祝你玩的开心,再见!
下一期: 别灰心