The well-Shine Dion

The well-Shine Dion

2017-02-18    04'05''

主播: (停更)千灯万年

278 2

By an old drinking well on the grass so green, 青青草地,古井悠悠, I lay down and fell into a dream, 身躺柔荑,渐入梦乡, By a strange mellow sound from a silver eyed bird, 半梦半醒间,银瞳鸟语柔声绕耳畔, I opened my eyes but said no word, 睁眼双眸,悄然无言, On the pathway came walking a woman so bold, 羊肠小道上,村妇迎面走来, Behind her in silence went the old, 老者沉默随行其后, Ahead ran the children with joyful cries, 孩童奔前跑后,嬉笑打闹, Their faces were lifted to the skies, 他们脸庞灿若天光, The woman's hair was raven and black as the night, 妇人头长发漆黑如夜, Covered with stars shining bright, 缀以点点星光, As they passed by the well I saw that their eyes, 及至井旁,看见他们的眼, Were flaming like many coloured ice, 闪亮如斑斓的钻石, They passed by the well like a breeze pure and clean, 彼之经过,如清风掠过, Soon they were nowhere to be seen, 很快飘渺消逝,无迹可寻, When I woke up alone on the grass so green, 柔荑之上,我独自醒来, I looked into the well to catch the dream, 古井无波,幽梦难寻, The water was rising and I felt a chill, 水面上涨,凉意刺骨, I willed the water to be still, 我愿此井恒久不变永远如斯, There was a face in the mirror like a face out of time, 水面上倒影着一张沧桑的面庞, The eyes held a shimmery shine, 眼中闪烁着点点泪光, There was a face in the mirror, 井面上的那张脸啊, and the face wasn't mine, 早已不是往日的模样, The eyes held a shimmery shine, 眼中闪烁着点点泪光。
上一期: 雨声
下一期: Too Far-Anna F